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@Bobsessed Of corse i went to the concert :) Did u go? OMG yes there website is awesome. .
@Bobsessed Yeah Im jorgia lol Im from Auckland (Bucklands beach area)
@philomel Yeah At my school it was the last day and we spent it watcing a whole lotta kids getting certificates for topping there class.
Lol yup My names Jorgia. Im from auckland. Bucklands Beach area..
@philomel Hey. Umm n2m just had prizegiving at school which totally blew :) Wbu?
Hey . NM Wbu?
@Bobsessed Oh Hello Random :) Where Bouts in NZ U from? Oh yeah and whats your name.
@bobbryar You dont know how lucky you are. I wish it would snow in New Zealand. Haha All it does is rain. And Its supposed to be summer
@Bobbryar Is the band still gonna be round after gerard and lyn-z have the baby?
@Aussie4Life Do you wanna know why Bob called u a fake? He was calling you a fake because u are obv no real fan. thanks for pissing him off
@bobbryar Hello. Im really sorry some of the "fans" are treating you like shit. Your such a nice guy. I just wanna give you a hug.
@allwerisbullets Oh hello :) Bob proberly gets lotsa comments to reply to cuz hes oh so popular so he prob just replys randomly keep trying
@gerardway You Proberly wont have time to reply but congrats on the baby man, Im excited for you and Lyn-Z.
@bobbryar Hey! Whats with you always trying to give away personal details of your bandmates? Do they get angry at you?
@bobbryar hey bob. hows it going. This sites pretty awesome. :)
@Chelsea221 Hello My Names Jorgia. Watsup?
@raytoro Hello Ray! Howre you? :) I just got back from school. Exams should be illegal
is from the land downunder called New Zealand :)