Friday, January 16, 2009

Audio Gallery

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12-18-08 NFU President Tom Buis was a guest on AgriTalk where he discussed President-elect Barack Obama’s choice for USDA Secretary, former Iowa Governor Tom Vilsack.

11-5-08 NFU President Tom Buis hosted a conference call for members of the media to discuss the outcome of the 2008 election and look ahead to what issues await the new administration and Congress.

10-20-08 NFU President Tom Buis was a guest on AgriTalk where he discussed a wide range of issues, including new COOL developments and farm bill implementation. Buis also looked to the upcoming election.

10-17-08 NFU President Tom Buis hosted a media conference call to discuss the economy in rural America, mandatory COOL, farm bill implementation and the outlook for the next Congress and administration.

General Tom10-2-08 National Farmers Union President Tom Buis was a guest on WILL-AM’s Closing Market Report. Buis discussed a host of issues, including the current credit crunch and COOL implementation.

General Tom10-1-08 National Farmers Union hosted a media conference call to discuss, after years of delay, the implementation of mandatory country of origin labeling (COOL). Click to listen to Tom Buis’s opening statement.

9-9-08 Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., accepted a NFU Golden Triangle Award. Because he could not accept the award in person, he spoke to the NFU fly-in participants over the phone.

9-9-08 NFU President Tom Buis discusses the organization’s fall fly-in, taking place this week. Buis said Congress should pass a comprehensive energy plan that includes fuels from the farm.

9-9-08 Sen. Tom Harkin, D-Iowa., spoke before Farmers Union members at a fly-in press conference to address the need for Congress to pass comprehensive energy legislation.

9-9-08 Sen. Kent Conrad, D-N.D., spoke before Farmers Union members at a fly-in press conference to address the need for Congress to pass comprehensive energy legislation.

9-9-08 Sen. Saxby Chambliss, R-Ga., spoke before Farmers Union members at a fly-in press conference to address the need for Congress to pass comprehensive energy legislation.

9-9-08 Sen. Byrdon Dorgan, D-N.D., spoke before Farmers Union members at a fly-in press conference to address the need for Congress to pass comprehensive energy legislation.

9-9-08 Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., spoke before Farmers Union members at a fly-in press conference to address the need for Congress to pass comprehensive energy legislation.

9-9-08 Sen. John Thune, R-S.D., spoke before Farmers Union members at a fly-in press conference to address the need for Congress to pass comprehensive energy legislation.

7-6-08 NFU President Tom Buis was in Minnesota for Farmfest. Buis participated was part of a panel discussion where the 2008 Farm Bill and renewable energy were hot topics.

General Tom

5-28-08 NFU President Tom Buis participated in a media call to discuss rising fuel and food. Leaders from other agriculture and renewable energy organizations participated to set the record straight on ethanol’s role in food prices.

General Tom

5-16-08 NFU President Tom Buis hosted a media call on the farm bill with representatives from America’s Second Harvest, National Association of Conservation Districts and the Food Research and Action Center.

General Tom4-29-08 NFU President Tom Buis was a guest on this afternoon’s Farm Talk with Mick Kjar on KQLX Radio in North Dakota. Buis discussed the farm bill, COOL, potential vetoes as well as rising energy costs.

General Tom4-21-08 NFU President Tom Buis is the guest on today’s Washington View radio program. The farm bill was recently extended for another week. Buis pressed for swift completion of the bill.

General Tom4-17-08 NFU President Tom Buis appeared on NPR’s Marketplace to discuss the farm bill negotiations and the two week extension Congress passed, as well as increasing input costs for farmers.

General Tom4-10-08 NFU President Tom Buis reacts to the announcement of House farm bill conferees as well as the lack of permanent disaster assistance funding in the House bill proposal.

General Tom4-10-08 NFU President Tom Buis reacts to the Senate passage of renewable energy and efficiency tax provisions including the extension of production tax credits set to expire Dec. 31.

4-9-08 NFU Vice President of Government Relations Katy Ziegler appeared on Central Iowa’s WHO Radio. Ziegler discussed the farm bill and Columbia Free Trade Agreement negotiations.

Peterson08Convention3-2-08 House Agriculture Committee Chairman Collin Peterson gave the keynote address to NFU’s 2008 Convention. Peterson focused on the on-going farm bill negotiations.

General Tom1-25-08 NFU President Tom Buis in a conference call with reporters today strongly urged members of Congress and the administration to reach a compromise so a new farm bill can be signed into law.

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