Friday, January 16, 2009


field of hay rollsNational Farmers Union supports fair trade that addresses labor, environmental and currency standards for agriculture. Past agreements have consistently failed to live up to their proponents’ promises, placing an undue burden on America’s family farmers and ranchers.

American producers sell their products into a global economy dominated by a small number of multinational firms. Cooperative efforts among nations to maintain prices for raw commodities at fair levels and provide for orderly conduct of commerce are essential to avoid low prices.

NFU was a vocal opponent of the narrowly-passed Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA); this close vote will likely influence the way future trade agreements are negotiated with regard to agriculture. endcap.gif

Delegates to NFU’s 105th Anniversary Convention Passed a Special Order of Business on Trade.
Click Here (PDF): Trade

Principles for Action from NFU/IFAP/CAP conference on “Profitability: Farmers’ Solutions”