Friday, January 16, 2009

Fuels from the Farm

beautiful field and skyNational Farmers Union supports a balanced energy policy that seeks energy independence for the United States and, at the same time, protects our nation’s environment and recognizes the special energy needs of America’s agricultural sector.

We believe that encouraging the use of renewable fuels will increase domestic demand for surplus farm commodities, lower federal outlays of federal farm subsidies, improve the environment, and decrease our reliance on foreign oil. It will also create vital opportunities in rural communities across the nation which might otherwise not be realized.

In 2005 Congress passed a 7.5 billion gallon Renewable Fuels Standard. The 7.5 billion gallons more than doubled the production and use of domestic renewable fuels including ethanol, biodiesel, and fuels produced from cellulosic biomass. However, with unprecedented growth in the biofuels industry, NFU supports expanding the Renewable Fuels Standard to set a mandate for production of biofuels that make up one-third of the nation’s fuel supply as soon as possible. We also support setting up separate mandates of production for each form of biofuel including cellulosic ethanol and biodiesel.

We are also looking at ways to increase the development and production of wind and solar geothermal energy. NFU supports the establishment of a national Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) that requires 25 percent of our energy usage comes from renewable sources by 2025.

As the age of renewable energy is relatively young, we support any initiatives to increase funding for research and development of renewable energy technologies and funding for infrastructure, particularly in the areas of:

  • Pipelines designated or altered for the transport of biofuels;
  • Solidifying the railroads in this country to move renewable fuels to each coast;
  • Expanded use of blender pumps which dispense mixes of ethanol of not only 10%, but higher mixes such as 15% and 20%;
  • Establishing E-85 filling stations/pumps; and,
  • Expanding and creating a network of transmission lines throughout the country to aid in the movement of renewable energy from sources such as wind and solar.


Ethanol is an environmentally friendly, sustainable and renewable energy source. NFU supports efforts to increase the use of ethanol, including extending the ethanol fuel tax incentive and providing low-interest loans to farmer-owned cooperatives in the same manner rural electricity and telephones were once established.

It is exciting to see ethanol production and use grow across the countryside, and we are encouraged by states that have taken steps to give its citizens more access to this valuable resource.

Renewable Fuels Standard (RFS)

This year, there are initiatives to expand the RFS in both the short term and the long run. We believe that expanding the current RFS will further help to fully harness rural America’s energy potential.

National Farmers Union has long advocated encouraging the use of ethanol, biodiesel, and other renewable energy sources, as key steps in increasing domestic demand for surplus farm commodities, lowering federal outlays of federal farm subsidies, and decreasing our reliance on foreign oil.


Using biodiesel and biodiesel-blended fuels can improve the environment, increase national energy security and generate increased farm income. Biodiesel has great potential to become more fully commercialized and we support initiatives which expand research into fuel efficiency and to further develop the infrastructure necessary to make it more widely available.

Strategic Biofuels Feedstock Reserve

NFU believes we should have an energy reserve in place similar to the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. Setting aside feedstocks for emergency needs is a sound energy and national security policy, as it allows for a reserve of processed biofuels.


With today’s technology, farmers and ranchers have the ability to supply a portion of the nation’s electricity from wind. We encourage development and distribution of electric generation from our country’s vast wind resources. Community-based energy development must be a priority at both the state and federal levels. We support Minnesota’s Community-Based Energy Development (C-BED) program and believe it can and should serve as a model for federal legislation. Local ownership ensures that any economic development potential stays in the local and rural areas. Not only does wind energy provide the opportunity for energy independence, but it also provides a source for rural economic development. endcap.gif