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Click here to watch Dennis Kucinich's Speech at the NFFC's 2008 Summer Meeting
NFFC is a North American member of VIA CAMPESINA-the largest international pesants movement with members in 300 countries
NFFC News Updates
Our Mission Statement

Read NFFC's 2008 Summer Newsletter here and Newsletter Extras here

President-elect Obama presented with urgent 'Call to Action' to end food crisis (12.15.08) - U.S. Working Group on the Food Crisis delivers the message that economic reform must include sound farm and food policy.

Dairy Farmers Condemn National Milk Producers Federation CEO Speech (12.09.08) - Speech by CEO Jerry Kozak advocates for radical deregulation policies.

Dairy farmers, plants agree price system broken (8.23.08) - Watertown Daily Times expresses the concern by many over the recent Make Allowance deduction

Dairy Farmers Condemn Make Allowance Increase (8.21.08) -The Dairy Subcommittee of the National Family Farm Coalition on August 18 submitted a comment to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) together with Ohio Farmers Union on the "Tentative Partial Final Decision" issued in June to raise the make allowance fees for cheese, butter, nonfat dry milk, and dry whey and to increase the butterfat yield factor.

Dairy Farmers Praise Monsanto Selling Off rBGH Division (08.13.08) - NFFC expressed its delight today at news that Monsanto would sell off its division for rBGH, a growth hormone legalized by the FDA in 1993 after minimal testing. Dairy farmers noted that what they need far more than 'efficiency' and 'technology' is a fair price.

U.S. Family Farmers Applaud Demise of Doha Negotiations (08.13.08) - NFFC welcomed the recent failure of Doha Round negotiations at the World Trade Organization, as India and other developing countries defended their right to food sovereignty. Since 1993, the WTO's disastrous agriculture policies have impoverished farmers worldwide, reduced food security, and led to environmental devastation and a global food crisis - all in the name of 'free' trade.

The Role of Agribusiness in Our Food Crisis (08.07.08) - George Naylor and Irene Lin warn critics of ethanol not to let the "real bad actors" off the hook. (Alternet)

National Family Farm Coalition (NFFC) unites and strengthens the voices and actions of its diverse grassroots members to demand viable livelihoods for family farmers, safe and healthy food for everyone, and economically and environmentally sound rural communities.

Get the facts and myths about farm subsidies! Click here to find out what King Corn didn't tell you.

Click here to see the letter sent by NFFC and other groups to Congress on April 8th, urging them to establish strategic grain reserves.

Learn Why We Need Reserves.

Listen to former NFFC Pres. George Naylor tell NPR how lack of grain reserves drives food prices up.

NFFC Hosts Teleconference Outlining How Lack of Grain Reserves Has Fueled the Global Food Crisis (07.11.08)

Want to stay up-to-date? Email nffc@nffc.net to subscribe to our quarterly newsletter.
is the right of communities to choose where and how their food is produced, and what food they consume.

Click here to read NFFC's Food Sovereignty Brochure.

For information on the world food crisis and a letter to President-elect Obama, visit the U.S. Working Group on the Food Crisis website at:


America's Dairy Crisis

America has lost over half its dairy farmers in the past sixteen years. Dairy farmers are in crisis, largely due to rampant corruption and antitrust abuses in the dairy industry. Click here to read the letter NFFC sent to the Senate Judicary Committee on June 26th, demanding an investigation into the nation's largest dairy cooperative, Dairy Farmers of America, which is currently under fire for its stranglehold on America's milk markets. Read our press release here.

To learn more about the problems plaguing dairy farmers and their fight against increased consolidation and concentration in the industry, click here to hear the voices of NFFC's dairy farmers and what needs to be done to save America's dairy farmers.


Read up on the
Food From Family Farms Act

It's the Farm Bill we need to create a democratic food system.
Say No to the National Animal Identification System

The National Animal Identification System (NAIS) poses a severe threat to the livelihood of family farmers.

Click here to read NFFC's June 25th letter to the House Appropriations Committee protesting the USDA's recent attempt to link NAIS to the School Lunch Program.

Read our related press release here.

National Family Farm Coalition
110 Maryland Ave. N.E., Suite 307
Washington, DC 20002


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(c) 2008 National Family Farm Coalition
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