NFFC Press Releases

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NFFC Testimony

NFFC Newsletters (including Newsletter Extras)

Official NFFC Letters


NFFC Audio and Video

Al Krebs Washington Post Obituary

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Press Releases


August 21: Dairy Farmers Condem Make Allowance Increase (8.21.08) -The Dairy Subcommittee of the National Family Farm Coalition on August 18 submitted a comment to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) together with Ohio Farmers Union on the "Tentative Partial Final Decision" issued in June to raise the make allowance fees for cheese, butter, nonfat dry milk, and dry whey and to increase the butterfat yield factor.

August 13: Dairy Farmers Praise Monsanto Selling Off rBGH Division (08.13.08) - NFFC expressed its delight today at news that Monsanto would sell off its division for rBGH, a growth hormone legalized by the FDA in 1993 after minimal testing. Dairy farmers noted that what they need far more than 'efficiency' and 'technology' is a fair price.

August 13: U.S. Family Farmers Applaud Demise of Doha Negotiations (08.13.08) - NFFC welcomed the recent failure of Doha Round negotiations at the World Trade Organization, as India and other developing countries defended their right to food sovereignty. Since 1993, the WTO's disastrous agriculture policies have impoverished farmers worldwide, reduced food security, and led to environmental devastation and a global food crisis - all in the name of 'free' trade.

July 11: NFFC Hosts Teleconference Outlining How Lack of Grain Reserves Has Fueled the Global Crisis (7.11.08) - In a teleconference last week, farmers and agriculture experts discussed how America's lack of grain reserves has fed the food crisis, and lamented the recent G8 conference for its continued promotion of disastrous policies, such as encouraging African countries to get rid of their reserves.

July 6:
Family Farm and Consumer Groups Urge Senate Judiciary to Investigate Dairy Farmers of America (7.6.08) - The NFFC and twenty-four civil society groups expressed their concerns in a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee about deep-seated corruption in America's largest dairy cooperative, Dairy Farmers of America. The letter requested that the Committee exercise oversight over the Department of Justice and their failure to bring forth the findings of their two-year antitrust investigation into DFA. Click here to read the letter.

June 9: Family Farmers Condemn UN FAO Conference for Ignoring Food Sovereignty (6.9.08). NFFC criticized the recently concluded UN Food and Agriculture Organization conference in Rome for offering the same failed free trade policies as a solution to the global food crisis. Instead of advocating food sovereignty principles that benefit farmers and consumers, the FAO chose to side with corporate agribusiness interests in promoting more trade liberalization and genetically modified technology.

Read All Our Press Releases: 2008 - 2007 - 2006 - 2005 - 2004 - 2003

NFFC in the News

August 23, 2008: Dairy farmers, plants agree price system broken Watertown Daily Times expresses the concern by many over the recent Make Allowance deduction

July 15, 2008: Is Dairy Co-op Milking the System Kansas City Star talks about the Kansas City based Dairy Farmers of America (DFA) and the allegations brought against it

June 15, 2008: Iowa Floods May Further Deepen Food Crisis NPR Weekend Edition interviewed former NFFC president George Naylor, whose farm is currently under water. George discusses how the lack of grain reserves means food prices could increase with no relief in sight. (NPR Weekend Edition)

June 5, 2008: Food's Uncertain Future NFFC Letter to the Editor points out cover story on global food crisis solutions neglected the urgent need for Strategic GrainU.S. News Reserves. (U.S. News and World Reports)

May 27, 2008: Farm Bill A Wasted Chance NFFC President Ben Burkett discusses the Farm Bill's failure to meet the challenges of agriculture today. (Santa Rosa Press Gazette)

May 2, 2008: Surplus U.S. Food Supplies Dry Up USAToday article focuses on the relationship between the USDA's lack of food reserves and the food crisis; and the subsequent impact on nutrition and commodity programs

April 28, 2008: Family Farmers Respond to Food Crisis John Nichols blogs (The Nation)

February 2, 2008: New Rules Needed for Future GE rice research? A critique of the USDA's proposed new rules for GE rice oversight (Southwest FARMPRESS)

Archives: 2007 - 2006 - 2005

NFFC Testimony

March 13, 2008: Todd Leake For the Dakota Resource Council and the Western Organization of Resource Councils before the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Domestic Policy Subcommittee on "Is the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Accounting for the Costs to Farmers From Contamination Caused by Genetically Engineered (GE) Plants"

April 26, 2007: Testimony presented to the House Agricultural Committee on the 2007 Farm Bill

April 24, 2007: Testimony by Wisconsin Dairy Farmer Randy Jasper at the Senate Agriculture Committee's hearing on Economic Challenges and Opportunities Facing American Agriculture Producers Today

April 24, 2007: Testimony by Emily Jackson of the Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project (NC) at the Senate Agriculture Committee's hearing on Economic Challenges and Opportunities Facing American Agriculture Producers Today

March 28, 2007: American Corn Growers Association (ACGA) submitted the National Family Farm Coalition's Food from Family Farms Act to the House Agriculture Subcomittee

June 13, 2006: Farmers Legal Action Group (FLAG) testified on behalf of the National Family Farm Coalition at the Senate Agriculture Committee Oversight Hearing on the USDA Farm Loan Programs (FLP)

July 27, 2004: Testimony presented at Citizens Trade Campaign's Summits at the Convention

December 11, 2003: National Family Farm Coalition Testimony on "Conditions of Competition for Milk Protein Products in the U.S. Market" to ITC General Fact-Finding Investigation

May 20, 2003: National Family Farm Coalition Testimony Subcommittee on Department Operations, Oversight, Nutrition and Forestry "State of the Dairy Industry" Hearing

NFFC Newsletters

Newsletter Extras


2008 Summer


2008 Winter


2007 Summer

2007 Spring

2006 Fall

2006 Summer

2006 Spring


2005 Fall



2005 Winter

2004 Fall

2004 Summer

2004 Spring

2004 Winter

2003 Fall

2003 Summer

2003 Spring

2003 Winter

Official NFFC Letters

Joint Letter to Senate Appropriations Requesting No Linkage Between NAIS and School Lunch Program (7.15.08)

Joint Letter to Senate Judicary Committee Demanding Investigation Into Dairy Farmers of America (6.26.08)

Joint Letter to House Appropriations Requesting No Linkage Between NAIS and School Lunch Program (6.25.08)

Joint Letter to Congress In Support of Reserves (4.28.08)

Read Past Letters: 2007 - 2006


The Role of Agribusiness in Our Food Crisis - George Naylor and Irene Lin warn critics of ethanol not to let the "real bad actors" off the hook. (Alternet)

Farm Bill Ignores Dire Need for Grain Reserve (10/07)- NFFC President George Naylor writes that, "You wouldn't even know there was an emerging global food crisis if you listened to the United States Congress. As the Senate finally considers the Farm Bill, virtually absent from the discussion is the need to have strategic food reserves, akin to the Strategic Petroleum Reserve."

The 2007 Farm Bill: What We Need and Why (4/07)


NFFC Audio and Video


Dennis Kucinich Speaks at NFFC's 2008 Summer Meeting

Click here to listen to NFFC dairy famers speak about the realities of dairy farming

National Family Farm Coalition
110 Maryland Ave. N.E., Suite 307
Washington, DC 20002

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(c) 2008 National Family Farm Coalition
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