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is for trade liberalization...

US Agriculture Policy


Identifying the Real Winners from U.S. Agricultural Policies (GDAEI, 12/05)

Rethinking U.S. Agricultural Policy: Changing Course to Secure Farmer Livelihoods Worldwide (APAC)

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NFFC Glossary
What Is a Family Farm?
Farm Bills

Food From Family Farms Act 2007 (FFFA): NFFC's 2007 US Farm Bill Proposal.

FFFA - Good for the Environment

FFFA - Good for Rural Communities

Por Que necesitamos el Acta de Alimentos de las Fincas Familiares


A family farm is not defined by size, but rather by the fact that the family provides the vast majority of the labor and management decisions.

What is a thriving sustainable family farm system?

A thriving, sustainable family farm system will only be possible if supported by government policy that encourages widespread ownership of land and ensures that farm product prices reflect all costs, both internal and external, striving for economic justice throughout the farm and food system.

What policies are needed for family farms?

Policy needs to restore competition to the buying, exporting, packing and processing industries in all commodities.


What King Corn Didn't Tell You

Trade and Agriculture

Country of Origin Labeling

Unfair Trade-Mexico's Agriculture Crisis: How Free Trade, the United States, and Transnational Corporations Made it Happen (Public Citizen and GRACE, 11/03)

Food Sovereignty Towards Food Sovereignty: Constructing an Alternative to the World Trade Organization's Agreement on Agriculture (2003)
Reserves $10 Corn? $20 Wheat?: The Urgent Need for Strategic Reserves

Who Owns Organic? (Cornucopia Inst., 07/07)

Factory Farming

Environmental and Health Problems in Livestock Production: Pollution in the Food System

Corporate Power in Livestock Production: How it's Hurting Farmers, Consumers, and Communities - And What We Can Do About It

Industrial Livestock Companies - Gains from Low Feed Prices, 1997-2005

Industrialized Farming and Its Relationship to Community Well-Being (U of ND, 09/06)

Below-Cost Feed Crops-An Indirect Subsidy for Industrial Animal Factories by the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy. ( IATP, 06/06)

Feeding the Factory Farm: Implicit Subsidies to the Broiler Chicken Industry (GDAEI, 06/06)

Obesity and Agriculture

Food without Thought-How U.S. Farm Policy Contributes to Obesity (IATP, 03/06)

National Family Farm Coalition
110 Maryland Ave. N.E., Suite 307
Washington, DC 20002


ph (202) 543-5675
fax (202) 543-0978

(c) 2008 National Family Farm Coalition
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