
The European Coordination Via Campesina supports the Palestinian Farmers Union
Thursday, 15 January 2009

Press Release - Brussels, 14th January 2009

Leave the fields to the farmers; end the violence in Gaza!
We have watched with horror as the aerial attacks on the Gaza strip which began on the 27th of December 2008 have escalated to a full scale ground assault, with a death toll now in excess of 1,000 people. The European Coordination Via Campesina, which incorporates more than 20 farmers and agricultural workers unions in Europe, is both appalled and angered by the indiscriminate massacre of men, women and children in Gaza.

The Palestinian Farmers Union (PFU), which works in the empowerment of local farmers and in the redevelopment of farming in Gaza with a view towards achieving positive social change, has suffered greatly since the start of the invasion. Farmers in Gaza have difficulty accessing land and water resources due to the conflict.
An Appeal for help from the Palestinian Farmers Union for all living consciences of the world
Monday, 12 January 2009
At the time we try to pull together our wounds, our voices are calling for help and support. we in the Palestinian Farmers Union appeal to all our brothers in the farmers and peasants Unions, we also appeal to all international organizations and solidarity with Palestinians organizations to work to stop the massacre, to stop the siege and to help and assist the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, for what they are facing steadfastly of Barbarian fierce attack by the Israeli occupation forces, as this aggressive bombardment reached children, women and the elders and even trees and stones.
Solidarity Letter and Call To Stop the War in Gaza
Monday, 12 January 2009
The end of 2008 showed a new wave of violence against humanity with the Israeli war against the Palestinian people in the Gaza strip. The attack by Israel occupation forces starting on the 27th of December– under the pretext of a war against Hammas - have already killed hundreds of Palestinians and injured thousands peoples, many of them are women and children.

The war in the Gaza strip is destroying houses, schools, hospitals and also Palestinian farmland. Palestinian people in the Gaza strip are currently facing  a lack of medicines, water, accommodation and food. Meanwhile,  Palestinian farmers are not able to produce their own food. The situation is getting more tragic day by day.
Korean women farmers on the Daewoo/Madagascar land deal
Thursday, 18 December 2008

Interview with Han Young Me, Chief of Policy, Korean Women Peasants Association (KWPA)
Dae-gu, South Korea, 4 December 2008

by Grain


Download the video.

Haiti: National protest for Food Sovereignty
Thursday, 18 December 2008


A dozen of farmers organisations en Haiti gathered on December 12, 2008 for a mass protest in the capital city Puerto Principe as part of a national campaign for Food Sovereignty. More on the Via Campesina Spanish and French Pages.

A Glimpse of the Peasant and Small Farmer
Wednesday, 17 December 2008
Association Movement in Mozambique
Being in a field in southern Niassa province, in Mozambique, listening to a group of women and men members of a peasant and small farmers’ association sing a cappella while they wield their hoes is both thrilling and supremely humbling. Particularly when you realize that the song is being improvised and that they are singing about their association movement and thanking you for dropping by.

I was in Mozambique because I was fortunate enough to be invited to attend the Fifth International Conference of La Via Campesina in Matola, a suburb of the capital city Maputo. La Via Campesina is an organization of organizations, a powerful aspect of the growing movement of peasants, family farmers, indigenous and landless people of the world. My goals were to help record the conference by interviewing some of the delegates and to learn more about the campesin@ way of life and how that way is crystallized in a call for and a practice of food sovereignty. In particular, I wanted to learn what that means to the peasants and small farmers of Mozambique.

Members of the First of December farmers' association, which works with the national organization UNAC (União Nacional de Camponeses / National Peasants' Union) in the Sanga district, near Lichinga, in the Niassa province of Mozambique. Photo by
Nic Paget-Clarke.

Radical new agenda needed to achieve climate justice
Monday, 15 December 2008

Poznan statement from the Climate Justice Now! alliance

12 December 2008

Members of Climate Justice Now! – a worldwide alliance of more than 160 organisations -- have been in Poznan for the past two weeks closely following developments in the UN climate negotiations.

This statement is our assessment of the Conference of Parties (COP) 14, and articulates our principles for achieving climate justice.

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