Election 2008


Russia's Putin makes warm overtures to Obama 2:53pm EST

MOSCOW (Reuters) - The United States will quickly feel a change in attitude from Moscow if President-elect Barack Obama transforms Washington's policies toward Russia, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said on Thursday.  Full Article


At home and abroad

Risky pick?

President-elect Obama inspired by Lincoln's idea of creating a "team of rivals."  Full Article 

Gates offers stability

Decision to ask Robert Gates to stay as defense secretary has been widely praised but it may lead to at least a few awkward moments.  Full Article 

Biden's new role

Joe Biden says he wants a lower-key but important advisory role for himself as Barack Obama's No. 2.  Full Article 

A shift in race relations

For Americans burdened by a sense of history, something once unthinkable has happened.  Full Article 

An efficient, deliberative style

Obama will bring a careful, deliberative style to the White House that differs from President George W. Bush.  Full Article 

Europe hopes for new era

European governments see a chance to make headway on a range of global issues.  Full Article 

Challenges in Afghanistan

Obama has pledged a new focus on the war, including more U.S. troops and possible talks with the Taliban.  Full Article 

Economic Impact

President-elect Senator Barack Obama waves with his daughter Sasha as he comes onto stage holding her hand to speak to supporters during his election night rally after being declared the winner of the 2008 presidential election in Chicago, November 4, 2008.
Facing the crisis

President-elect Obama vows to confront the economy head-on.  Full Article 

Focus on trade

Obama is expected to make preserving jobs and restoring U.S. economic health the focus of his trade policy.  Full Article 

Farm sector optimistic

America's farm sector cautiously welcomes Obama's historic White House win as good news for a raft of industry priorities.  Full Article 

Ending the Greenspan era

Obama can rewrite the Greenspan-era rules of finance, backed by Congress and a furious American public.  Full Article 

The Obama play

Many investors have done little or nothing to alter their strategies, despite bountiful talk of Obama plays.  Full Article 

Obama faces health care pain

Obama has promised broad changes to health care, but he will struggle to find the money to do it.  Full Article 

Energy plan may be curbed

Obama promises a bold energy plan, but the economy and financial crisis may impede his efforts.  Full Article 


U.S. Congress

Source: MSNBC
Eye on the White House

Reuters political correspondents report the stories behind the scenes from Washington.  Full Article 


Newsmaker: Michelle Obama

The next first lady

Michelle Obama brings the skills of a corporate lawyer to the White House, but she says her priority will be her role as "mom-in-chief" to the couple's two daughters.  Full Article | Slideshow 

King's dream fulfilled

For Americans burdened by a sense of history, something once unthinkable has happened. The United States has elected a black president.  Full Coverage 

Obama taps Richardson for Commerce

Dec. 3 - President-elect Barack Obama has chosen New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson as his Secretary of Commerce.  Play Video

Your election images

A selection of the best election and reaction photographs from citizen journalists.   Slideshow