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Veterans Day Ceremonies

To see a schedule of Veterans Day Ceremonies at ABMC cemeteries in Europe, click here.

Memorial Day Activities

Memorial Day programs are held at each ABMC Cemetery. Each gravesite is decorated with the flag of the United States and that of the host country. Programs usually include participation by the U.S. Ambassador to the host country, a reading of the President's Memorial Day Proclamation, speakers, the presentation of the National Colors, wreath laying ceremonies, and military bands and units.

A picture of people at a Memorial Day ceremony

2009 Memorial Day Ceremony Schedule

The 2009 Memorial Day schedule will be posted here as soon as it is available.

D-Day Commemorative Ceremonies - June 6

D-Day commemorative events are planned annually by the Comite du Debarquement (D-Day Landing Committee). The national ceremonies for June 6, 2009 -- the 65th anniversary of the D-Day landings -- have not been confirmed. Details of events scheduled in the American Sector, including at Normandy American Cemetery, will be posted here as soon as they are available.

You may contact the Comite du Debarquement at:

Address: 4 Rue du Bienvenu, B.P. 43402 - F.14404
Phone: (33) 02 31 92 00 26
Fax: (33) 02 31 22 11 35
