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About Manufactured Housing

Manufactured homes are factory built according to national HUD-codes for use as modular Houseor other types of off-site [construction] units. NeighborWorks® America offers private,public and nonprofit [perspectives] on manufactured and other factory-built housing as anasset-building and community development strategy. There are more than 8 million HUD-code manufactured homes in the U.S., representing two-thirds of new affordable housing in recent years and a growing portion of all new housing.


Buyers of manufactured homes have driven a substantial share of the growth in low-income homeownership as evidenced in the 1990s. These statistics send a message to all who seek to promote homeownership for low-income families, and to those who promote safe and affordable housing opportunities in disenfranchised communities. NEW !!! National Curriculum on Manufactured Housing An increasing share of people served by community development organizations are opting to live
in housing that was built off-site, most are factory-built to HUD-codes. Many practitioners do not yet entirely understand the implications of this for their work.

The manufactured housing industry has come a long way from its origins producing mobile trailers as an offshoot of the automobile industry. Changes in the industry in the last ten years include a movement towards higher quality units to be titled as real estate, as well as many other positive innovations and developments.

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