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I'm ill & need some rest. I am moving tomorrow & need to pack. Yet I spent the whole of last night editing Jonathan Coulton videos. Enjoy.
Note to self, Must check what the iphone writes before sending. Apparently 'which' and 'quick' are the same word in the iPhone dictionary.
Quick of you chickens gave me the pox? - Things are great for me, I'm a zombie now!
What do you doing in Manchester if you don't know how much time you need to kill?
Hmm, what do you do in Manchester when you don't know how much time you have free?
Well, I'm at the boarding gate, but the plane isn't. I feel stood up!
Why do none of the Twitter applications for the iPhone let you search for people?
@jonathancoulton Why not come to Cambridge instead? It is even better than Oxford :) The geeks in Cambridge are better!
Someone at my new job actually said 'lol'. They are so geeky! I love it!
Spent the weekend scouting out Nottingham ready for the Jonathan coulton gig next month....honest.
Could someone tweet me to remind me to install the twitter application on my iPhone later, as us UK peeps don't get SMS updates anymore.
So my company decided I was no longer needed by them. :( So why do they keep extending my leave date?
@jonathancoulton: If you were in the UK, the weekend *did* last until the end of Monday
@jonathancoulton sounds like you are in Cambridge to me.
@jonathancoulton your not talking about the iPhone I hope! I just got my 3g upgrade, time to sell my old one on eBay for a profit!
it is raining very hard here. I'm considering building an ark!
Blizzard audio director said he was upset to lose best video game song of the year to portal, but thought the song was a deserved winner.
omg it's diablo 3
t let any one sit down. Whoops, iPhone accidently posted half the message. Dog!


Dave Troy Jonathan Coulton Paul and Storm Agent Lex