The Islamic Imagery Project

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Afshon Ostovar is a Ph.D. student in the Department of History at the University of Michigan and also serves as a Research Associate at the Combating Terrorism Center.   He is trained in both the premodern and modern fields of Islamic history, and has lived and worked throughout the Middle East and Central Asia. Currently, his research focuses on the social, cultural, and intellectual history of political Islamic movements and jihadist visual propaganda.  Mr. Ostovar identified and categorized the key motifs from the CTC’s extensive collection of jihadi imagery and wrote the analyses of the individual motifs.

Lianne Kennedy Boudali served as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Social Sciences at the U.S. Military Academy, West Point.  Ms. Kennedy-Boudali directed the research, development, and publication of this project.

Dr. Jarret Brachman holds a joint appointment as Director of Research in the Combating Terrorism Center and an Assistant Professor in the Department of Social Sciences at the U.S. Military Academy, West Point.  His research interests include al-Qa’ida strategy and Salafi jihadi ideology, on which he has both published and discussed with a range of audiences. Dr. Brachman consults with agencies across the federal government, the New York Police Department as well as multiple national news organizations.  He served as a Fellow with the Central Intelligence Agency before coming to West Point. Dr. Brachman personally collected the images that comprise the CTC’s image library. Dr. Brachman and William McCants conceived the original project design and served as consultants throughout the project. 

Captain Bill Perkins is the Operations Officer of the Combating Terrorism Center. He holds a B.S. in Economics and American Politics from the United States Military Academy. Upon graduation, he served as an infantry officer in the 82nd Airborne Division. His duties there included platoon leader, company executive officer, and battalion adjutant as well as tours of duty in both Afghanistan and Iraq. Captain Perkins designed and built the website for the Islamic Imagery Project.

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