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listening to Macbreak Weekly 116.
24 Redemption now available on iTunes for $14.99 and in High Def. at $19.99.
I guess I am going to have to buy the flip mino HD in order for my videos to fit the new player.
You can watch 24 Redemption on
Apple just ran a new commercial for the new Macbooks. It was about how green the new Macbooks are. It played during prison break.
Well 24 Redemption was good. Look for it to appear on iTunes and DVD if you have not seen it. Jack is Back.
Home. My payment for my auction came in. I'm happy.
I am going to have to call my eBay buyer. It has been a week and no replies to emails. I am really starting not to like eBay anymore.
Does anyone else feel that CEOs response to this terrible thing that has taken place is cold hearted?
You can stream podcast. You do not have to download them.
iPod touch does not get the street view feature.
Not finding the Street View in Google Maps for the iPod touch.
Themes just showed up in my Gmail.
Downloading the new iPod software version 2.2 for my iPod touch. Yeah.
@GeekNews - Sorry to hear about that. You and your family will be in my thoughts.
Home. Watcing the new Star Trek Movie trailer. I saw it at the theatre but they had the sound turned down.
@tweetsville - Keeps crashing. Just browsing. Going into trends. Restarting did not help. On the iPod touch. Thanks.
Just got back from seeing Quantum of Solace. I did not really like it.
Now I am going to see Quantum of Solace


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