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If you are interested in being consulted for stories on parenting or pediatrics, leave reporter Liz Szabo a message on her profile.
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MRIs of the wrists and hands of 12 gymnasts with chronic wrist or hand pain revealed far more than the typical forearm injuries researchers expected.
By Robert Deutsch, USA TODAY
Young gymnasts now appear to be developing injuries well beyond one common to their sport, a new...more

A Better Life: Daily health blog

Look for yellow for 'warmth' and 'cheer' in 2009.
Review finds it doesn't cause mental health problems.
Even friends of friends can keep you smiling.
Consumers Union: Recalls up 19% in past year, especially kids' items.

Your Health

Engage With Grace: The One Slide Project aims to make one of life's most difficult talks easier by boiling it down to five points.


Menus, recipes, video advice from a dietitian and the 'skinny' on studies.
What you need to know about the 'everywhere' chemical.
Video, personal accounts and the science behind it all.
Patients, survivors, loved ones sound off in forum.
Personal health takes a hit along with economy.

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Perhaps half a million embryos lie frozen in U.S. clinics, and many are likely to continue to do so because fertility patients feel they...
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Illustration by Jerry Mosemak, USA TODAY
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By Mel Evans, AP
More than 1 million people in the Medicare drug program next year will pay almost the full price for certain brand-name drugs when they...
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By Steve Schneider for USA TODAY
New lead standards part of landmark consumer safety legislation passed in August by Congress won't take effect until Feb. 10. Rep. Jan...
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To improve patient safety, medical residents should get at least five hours of sleep after working 16 hours, concludes a report today....
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Enlisted soldiers and Marines divorced their spouses at a higher rate in fiscal 2008 than at any other time in at least 16 years.
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Almost one in five young American adults has a personality disorder that interferes with everyday life, and even more abuse alcohol or...