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Just made a decision to take on my allergies seriously. Look out, histamines, I'm gunning for YOU!
@eugenelee I'm being snarky with all the "on the ground at X" tweets - I just thought I'd join the crowd. Course, for me, its about gravity.
A minute has passed. Still on the ground in CA. Gravity *continues* to be detected. INTERESTING!
On the ground in CA. Apparently, gravity is still in force.
@spin I am on the ground in CA too, but I"m not tweeting about it. That'd be really boring. Specially if I updated you about it every 5 min!
@degenerasian Yah, not sure what the relationship types are. Baby A is "playmate" with Baby B?
@degenerasian No, but the baby A throws milk at baby B seems to work, eh? Seriously, so many family/friends having babies and using Facebook
I think I'm gonna pitch "Babybook"- a social network for the infant crowd...
Completely and utterly stuck on http://fantasticcontraption... - and yet I can't stop.
@eugenelee Whoa. Thats a small world oddity... Does Ken tweet?
Social networks like Twitter, Facebook, etc make me think that every casual interaction I have in life has the potential to last a long time
Today really feels like winter. Finally.
@seanosteen I'm slightly concerned that my son will start shooting bolts of lightning when he eats pancakes. I'm pretty sure I've seen it :O
Good morning peeples!
@weirdo513 OK, I guess I don't understant the relationship between the studios and the mothership...
@jpatanooga Nono. Not Facebook Connect, Google Friend Connect...
Wondering if there's some super-stupid insructions for Gabe to put Google Friend Connect on his Typepad blog...
Too tired to blog, so I'll tweet.


Biz Stone Evan Williams rabble Steve Jenson Blaine Cook Jerry Michalski Dick Hardt seanbonner Ross Nitin Borwankar Dave McClure Nick Douglas Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Hillary Hartley Thomas Vander Wal Myles thomasknoll Dave Winer Nikolaj Nyholm Aaron Huslage James Walker Cal Henderson David Orchard Zack Rosen l.m. orchard Aldon Hynes Dean Landsman Edward Vielmetti Nelson Minar Larry termie Michael Ivey Stuart Dina Danny Ayers
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