Chris Heuer’s Favorites

SashaKane @Mobasoft Just what I thought...The secrets of the Universe lie ever silent in a warm corner of our hearts..Never thought to look there. =).
Beth Kanter
kanter @shonali so, is geek measurement culture focused on the mechanics of measurement versus relating to strat/goals?
John Gruber
gruber Now it's news when McCain behaves with common decency:
Darth Vader
darthvader Did I call a time out after my stupid son blew up the Death Star? Hell no! I took the boys to Hoth and laid the smack down. Feh.
Kristie Wells
kristiewells @lizstrauss: I want a relationship, not a one link stand.
Laura Fitton
Pistachio for all i share here, i *never* say "wow, sitting next to this hot guy" cuz inevitably, if we meet, Twitter comes up. and, uh, embarrassing.
debs OH: at Penn Station "his first birthday will be on same day as Obama's inauguration"
David Weinberger
dweinberger Just chased audacious squirrel off porch by telling it that I have thumbs. Effective technique!
Howard Rheingold
hrheingold @stevebaker Don't mistake me for a psychologist, but I think learning anything new requires skill at forgetting something old.
Todd Defren
TDefren There is literally no reason to check Technorati anymore.
Erin Kotecki Vest
QueenofSpain OH: I am sniffing your chocolate
Erin Kotecki Vest
QueenofSpain OH: the first massage I ever got in vegas was a guy named Vinnie
Amanda Chapel
amandachapel @chrisheuer | "Social Media Camp Coming to 7 U.S. cities." In the old days, snake oil salesmen would similarly go town to town.
Micah Baldwin
micah @amandachapel your dm to me shows that 1) I won 2) youre a pussy & 3) youve no sense of humor. Be the bitch you are & find some new material
 Chris Heuer
chrisheuer Kiki was here. Bwaaahaaa - in Heuer's account, changing up his avatar. <shhh, let's see how long it is before he notices...>
adrian chan
gravity7 @chrisheuer -- close all internet apps and write! check internet in 2 hours for 10 minutes. Repeat as necessary...
rachel ann yes
rachelannyes @chrisheuer stop. breathe. and don't be hard on yourself. breathe some more.
Albert Maruggi
AlbertMaruggi I never thought I'd say this about a tax service but here goes, @HRBlock is hot!Marketing Edge podcast with them.
Eric Rice
spin @orchid8 Not now, I'm *manscaping*


davegray Jerry Michalski Brian Walsh Wayne Sutton Ross Nitin Dave McClure Chris MacDonald Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Brian Oberkirch Hillary Hartley Scott Beale David Crow Thomas Vander Wal Josh Bancroft Dan Patterson seth goldstein Jackson West Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Cameron Walters Christine Herron Glenda Kaustubh Srikanth joshua schachter Joanne Wan randy stewart Stewart Butterfield Lisa McMillan Thor Muller brady forrest Jyri Engeström David Parmet Josh Hallett Mike Manuel
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