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Finished watching "Once More With Feeling" with Katie. That episode may go down as the best thing done, ever. (Also: I know all the words.)
@bmdesmet oh c'mon, it's not like those hyper-engineered craft were needed for any more critical issues ...
Check out Leverage tonight on TNT! Snag the first episode from bittorrent, and the show finally starts this week.
Today's bigtime goals: hit 18 for LotRO tomorrow and go to dinner with Katie's family. One done, the other underway in a few hours.
The ‘end’ of Random Dialogue
Check out
On WoW Insider Show This Afternoon
Catching up with MMOG Nation
I'm podcasting with the WoW Insider crew! Lots of fun, looking to get back into WoW now ...
@wilw Rock on. What class/race? :D I know it's twinkie, but I've been mulling this Genasi Swordmage for weeks now ...
Now that I am awake I'm thinking that tonight mebbe I should do some Left 4 Dead with @gwjrabbit @gaald @certis, etc ... you hear me gents?
@wilw Inquiring minds want to know: DMing or playing? What class? Running a module? Details, man, details.
I slept in very, very late today because I freaking deserved it. As @emmastory points out, does wonders for the mood.
@eddiemae tell me about it. sounds like the bad was all over this week. :P
Okay, seriously. I'm really ready for this week to be over. I'd be more enthusiastic if I thought I wasn't going to be working this weekend.
We just got a mighty interesting email @Massively. Might lead to a fun project on the site, might not. Either way, kind of compliment-y.
@KyleOrl I have never freaking understood Metal Gear. What an overblown, incomprehensible, boring, storyless mess.
Highly recommend you follow @swtor if you're not doing so already. Great blog post by one of the Senior Writers up today.
@hodgman On behalf of my state, we forgive you. Good times, good times.


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