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SB Independent Xmas party tonight. I'm already tired.
@lasvegasloopy Do you work over there? Sorry, didn't mean to offend, just momentarily frustrated at lack of RSS.
LVRJ Web site is the WORST. They add a new gaming blog but do not include the RSS addy in the list of feeds, and no auto-discovery link.
@jasonfried Democrats and Republicans - anti-each other.
@chuckmonster Super awesome guy. Just thought it was funny. If you don't like it I can take it out.
Publishing post now... For those interested in Encore's opening, check out our coverage with @vegastripping at
Writing a post explaining our Encore opening coverage.
At ATTWS. Have to sign nine separate contracts. Sheesh. These aren't even for me.
ATT Wireless making it very hard to do business. Starting new business account but I have to GO INTO THE STORE. Only 9 lines on the phone.
@filberts It goes on the App Store. That's why some apps say for instance '20 reviews' but there are only 13 written reviews you can see.
@gotkevin Did you even sleep last night?
@tjw Is there an 'AB me' card on iPhone like in AppKit?
@mtc The current SDK does limit any raw control over the camera. That may change, who knows... Still, clever developers doing cool stuff.
@mtc Try the app, it's free and works well, even better than the optimized site.
Wow, 'Amazon Remembers' works pretty well. Nice feature. Been looking for something like this for a long time. Too bad consumerism is dead.
@mtc Yeah, I remember that. I have to see if I still have that somewhere.


Biz Stone Evan Williams Steve Jenson Blaine Cook Buzz Andersen Xeni Jardin Michael Ferguson Sharky H. Towers Jonathan Wight Brittany Bohnet Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Sarah Hatter Cal Henderson Dan Benjamin Veronica Belmont Jim Long Geoffrey Grosenbach Michael Koziarski Hickensian Drew McLellan Garrett Dimon Robert Scoble photomatt Ryan Carson Alex Payne Gillian Carson Gavin Bell John Gruber Neven Mrgan David Chartier teh_real_chock Anil Dash Philip Wilkinson Louie Mantia Jacqui Cheng
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