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@duncan good luck! I"m watching intently...
@duncan won't be long, you'll need a community manager! (grin)
achoo.... grump
sharks win. Bluejackets deserved at least a point.
@Angry_Drunk they have to be heard to be believed. If then.
@marsedit I started seeing it a couple of weeks ago.
@marsedit hmm. I have two typepad blogs. the 2nd one is showing categories for both for some reason.
@Forechecker more than three games causes more problems than it solves. 2-3, then let the stars waive him and send him to the minors to rot
and another great day at work... Morning, twitterites.
@charlesarthur incomfing to your gmail account. And now I can sleep... (grin)
@harrymccracken some unanswerable quetions are answerable. No steve back at apple, apple dies. period.
type.. type... type... type...
the on ly thing more fun than deleting abandonded accounts is finding data integrity issues in the database...
Two cents worth on Sean Avery


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