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Qwitter hit a nerve among many: the consesus was to quit. Done. Why add to the stress? Twitter should be enjoyable.
Seth Godin says "Don't do an MBA, work with me for 6 months" The conference call is at 10am EST today
@sass Congrats on getting on the Twitterati! Represent!
Been using Qwitter for a week. It breaks my heart. Do I really need to know?
Checking out Community Guy @JakeMcKee's book project Connected by Distance; stories of online community http://www.connectedbydista...
@michaelcastilla WordCamp Miami site is nice, almost as nice as the BarCampMiami site! LOL :P
@vicequeenmaria There will be a MobileMonday on the 8th. I have been swamped and unable to communicate this past week. Trying to catch up...
@SIGEPJEDI @radinfo BarCampMiami is an unconference being held the day before FOWA, also @ the Arsht Center. Deets @
Now that that's done, on to the next thing. Social Media Club. Non-profit work. Client work. Getting things off my plate one thing at a time
BarCampMiami 2009 website is now live! Let me know your questions and comments!
@benleis That's right, the Sagamore! Great place. We should set up a @TechKaraoke there with @robertmurray @brbreslin
@robertmurray @TechKaraoke @brbreslin We're scoping out the karaoke bars here, we've heard there's one in Miami Beach
@warrenm We haven't built a persistent Tweetup site/mashup but check w/ @davidedicillo , he has some thoughts on that as well
Photography exhibition. Lots of out-of-towners here for Art Basel starting Wednesday - Photo:
@brbreslin Glad you found a place to stay, enjoy Buenos Aires and hope you'll get to do a Palermo tweetup.
Please help my friend @brbreslin find a hotel in Buenos Aires! Everything's booked and it would be a shame for him to cancel his trip
What does your network look like? @spatially studied 1,000 followers
There's a chicken at our tweetup! @vicequeenmaria says she'll take it to a bird sanctuary - Photo:
For Miami peeps, today's tweetup is going on now at Monty's Raw Bar South Beach at 300 Alton Road.
Cuban lunch with parents at La Carreta. One of our waiters is 92! - Photo:


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Evan Williams veen Jerry Michalski Matt Galligan danah boyd Mary Hodder Xeni Jardin Richard Ault Jay Goldman Wayne Sutton Ross om Dave McClure Nick Douglas Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Dobromir Hadzhiev Brian Oberkirch Michael Parekh Kathy Johnson Tim Kersey Hillary Hartley tommy payne Darla Mack Scott Beale David Crow President Monteiro Thomas Vander Wal WDavidStephenson Josh Bancroft (jeff)isageek Brett Petersel Chris Prakoso Dave Morin
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