News From…

Congressman Dennis Cardoza
18th Congressional District of California

Cardoza Opposes Budget Resolution

Supports Moderate Democratic Alternatives

March 21, 2003
(202) 225-6131

Washington DC – Congressman Dennis Cardoza (D-Merced) voted today against the Republican budget plan, citing a lack of funding for programs that are important to Americans. Cardoza also expressed grave concerns over the lack of provisions for funding the war with Iraq and the costs that will ensue once the war has ended.

Cardoza did support both the Democratic Budget alternative and the moderate Blue Dog budget, specifically because of their funding levels for two of Cardoza’s top priorities: homeland security and veterans’ programs. Specifically, the Democrats’ budget calls for $34 billion more than the GOP budget on homeland security programs over the next 11 years. Democrats would also ensure that $3.5 billion in desperately-needed new money would be available for first responders—police officers, firefighters, and emergency medical personnel. “The Republican budget is woefully inadequate when it comes to funding homeland security efforts, particularly for our first responders who are on the front lines every day,” said Cardoza. “I can not support a proposal that denies local law enforcement the funds they need to protect our communities.”

Additionally, the Democratic budget provides $32 billion more over the next 10 years for veterans’ programs than the GOP budget. Specifically, it provides $17 billion more than the GOP budget for discretionary veterans’ programs – which are almost exclusively veterans’ health care programs—whereas the GOP budget calls for $15 billion in mandatory spending cuts for veterans. Mandatory veterans’ programs include disability compensation, pensions, vocational rehabilitation, and survivors’ benefits. “On a day when our armed forces are fighting for their lives and our security, we should be thinking more than ever of our veterans and all they have sacrificed for our country,” said Cardoza. “To suggest cuts at this level is disgraceful and flies in the face of reason.”

Cardoza, the newest member of the Blue Dog Coalition, also stood with his moderate democratic colleagues in supporting the Coalition’s budget, a responsible plan to strengthen national security and restore fiscal responsibility. Like the Democratic alternative the Blue Dog budget tightens federal spending and balances the budget while still meeting priorities like defense, education and health care. The GOP budget, however, would further cut education programs, and health care for children and seniors on Medicaid. “The Republican budget is just plain bad for our country,” said Cardoza. “I am proud to be able to support two proposals today that are fiscally responsible but not at the cost of preserving programs for veterans, kids, law enforcement and seniors.”


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