News From…

Congressman Dennis Cardoza
18th Congressional District of California

Pentagon Cites Budgetary Emergency In Decision To Postpone Air National Guard Move To Castle

Cardoza Criticizes Poor Planning By Defense Department

January 10, 2005
CONTACT:  Bret Ladine
(202) 225-6131

WASHINGTON – Congressman Dennis Cardoza, D-Merced, was informed today that the Pentagon will postpone indefinitely a move by the Air National Guard’s 129th Rescue Wing to the former Castle Air Force Base in Merced County. 


The announcement is part of a system-wide series of cuts stemming from a budgetary emergency in fighting the war on terror.  Other programs reported to be facing similar cuts are a host of weapons systems, including the FA-22, the world’s top performing fighter jet, and the C-130J, a cargo plane.


“I believe that every effort should be made to support troops fighting the war on terror, but this decision is the result of poor planning by Administration officials, who find themselves cash-strapped in Iraq and looking to save money in the short-term, even if that means postponing projects that save money in the long run,” Cardoza said.


The move to Castle Airport, which has been formally endorsed by the Air National Guard, requires upgrades at Castle using facility modernization funds that were cut, but would save the Defense Department tens of millions of dollars in the long term.


The relocation also would improve the readiness of the 129th Rescue Wing because most of its members live in the Central Valley and spend many hours commuting to the Bay Area in spite of serving 12-hour shifts.  The move would substantially assist the Guard in the increasingly problematic area of retention of its airmen, who cannot afford to live in the Bay Area.


Given the increasing costs of operations in Iraq, ongoing efforts in the war on terror, and persisting doubts surrounding the status of several top Pentagon officials, it remains unclear when funding will be restored.


“The facts have always demonstrated that Castle is a superior location, and that’s why I will continue to press for the 129th to move there,” Cardoza said.  “However, I understand that there has been strong interest recently in developing other uses at Castle and I don’t know how long Merced County will be willing to wait on the Pentagon.  I continue to be thankful for the support this move has received from my Republican colleagues, particularly Reps. George Radanovich, Richard Pombo, Devin Nunes, House Armed Services Chairman Duncan Hunter, and House Appropriations Chairman Jerry Lewis.”


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