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Isaac wins first prize on his division. Daddy almost cried
Isaac will be doing the taikyoku shodan kata
Cafeteria at Stockton karate tournament. Kids playing ukeleles
My wife, the karate mom.
In Stockton. Interesting place. We're at a hotel by the canal
Filled my car tank for $30. Not long ago it was $70
On my way to SF -- Pac Heights. Work, then dinner (SPRQ).
RT BestBuyCMO "marketing in a tough economy"
"Advertising with Character" -- blog series begins on Monday.
@RevzNexus Si -- Puertoriqueno y Italiano
Isaac's first karate tournament is in Stockton CA -- early Sunday. To make it work, we will need to stay overnight. Suggestions please.
Co-chairing a workshop today on marketing through the down economy. Recalling the last recession. Some things have not changed.
Isaac's first karate tournament this Sunday, in Stockton CA. We're trying to persuade him to do a blind kata. Yes, I'm bringing a camera.
@jpostman why the sigh, young man?
Back home, finally. Watching Izzy do Origami
I'll be at the Creamery
Advice of the day: don't say "post-mortem." Say "post-partum." If your product survives the launch, you've got a baby to care for, papa.


Evan Williams Jerry Michalski Xeni Jardin Ross om Ken Tara missrogue Hunt Dobromir Hadzhiev Paul Terry Walhus Andy Abramson Kelly Abbott Susan Scrupski Chaitanya Sagar David Parmet Josh Hallett Mike Manuel alan jones Justine Reid Hoffman Stowe Boyd Chris Brogan Bill Palmer Jay Moonah Elisa Camahort Veronica Belmont Robert French Doug Haslam Jim Long Ryan Stewart Stuart Dina debs Andy Kaufman Karen O'Brien techknow  C.C. Chapman
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