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@AllieOops Or sell service giving people their money's worth. Not books, seminars & blogs teaching knuckleheads how to sell shit on a stick.
@AllieOops Mind you, I'm not against selling. But sell something good that someone's invested with time, effort, craft, maybe art.
@ariherzog Depends on the features. Magpie isn't a feature. It's co-opting a whole initiative for the same stupid selling for sellng's sake.
@ariherzog Ridiculous. All kinds of change exist. Some are okay—Twirl and Tweetdeck. Then things like Magpie should just flame out.
@starlightwriter Low, is all relative. Anyone with a real following dwarfs me. It's just so easy to get sucked into keeping score.
@starlightwriter I didn't intend for it to get launched. I need to stop keeping score. Feeds the unGodly narcissism that I'm trying to curb.
@Eva_Abreu Yeah, I had a clash of wills thing going with the nuns from kindergarten till I left in 8th grade. But they did keep me literate.
@zeldman Overseas, by any chance?I've only done to California from NY. I'm wondering about longer distances & across oceans.
@JoyceAnthony Sounds like you're beating yourself up about this. Relax. I go back & forth re: wanting to monetize my blog—that is, sell ads....
Giants don't seem to have the fire today. Philly's the better team so far (shudder).
Giants not yet looking sharp. And how I hate Philly. Makes it tough to watch.
Mmmm ... focaccia's good. Making chicken francaise in a trice. Should start 2nd part, the meatier of two, of blog piece on typeface pairing.
@ariherzog Dunno. Once they get at one post, dozens do follow the same path. Thankfully, Akismet does its job. All I do is click Delete All.
@digiphile Nice-looking breakfast, tho' maybe a bit much even for me. Still, looks like a Guiness'd've finished it perfectly.
@kwohlrob Did you catch Ellen Lupton yesterday?If so, how was she &what'd she have to say? (If I can ask you to take he time.)
And the incoming Prez certainly has a better handle on all the interrelatedness of the pieces in the Middle East, here, and our enemies.
Thank God Obama won. McCain, God love him, was never speaking to us this soon, if ever, indicating an understanding of this economic mess.
@rebeccalatham That's what Cheney et al. promulgated the last 8 years. Be careful what you espouse.
@pattidigh Course not. but you have to admit that the fact that some people speak about it is surely a step in the right direction. At last.


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