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did anyone else notice that Michael drank a W pop on the Office?
Jessica at Google wrote us up on the Google Grants blog today!
@dannysullivan It's sort of brilliant that Google has thousands of mobile users helping them to refine speech recognition.
@robpatrob can you RT the TinyURL for the Harvard endowment cut? In addition to direct CDO investment, U's are selling pvt equity at a loss
paulson is asked for lessons from the current crisis. first is humility, but he says were not done
paulson flat out said we need to avoid bankruptcy of an auto company
bbt manager says bbt is one of the country's most successful banks. lots of chuckles from audience
Hank is here, bbt is introducing him now
seated at the Willard hotel, about to hear Hank paulson speak ahead of the china econ summit
@jzawodn are you coding as part of your new job at craigslist, or is this a personal project?
@corbett3000 what are you doing in OCTO DC? Wrapup for Apps for Democracy?
Time to ride my bike home. It's not raining in China Town. Here goes...
@lookadoo I'm glad you're there to hear it. Looking forward to seeing your notes. And I hope to see you soon!
Google isn't mining your private data. The data from different apps is all in different places, and they have very strict controls
In addition to the free tools, APIs, and mashups they provide, they also have the strictest privacy controls of any company I can think of.
@lookadoo I think Google has been a huge force of good when it comes to disclosure of info and respect for privacy.
@corbett3000 I liked your comments on the WaPo thread on Vivek. It needed to be said...
Shortsighted WaPo blogger pens a myopic criticism of DC's truly innovative CTO, Vivek Kundra
Leaving an amazing presentation by Ira Glass for the NPR staff
@nprlive is live blogging Ira glass now


Ben Brian Conley Zadi Diaz Robert Scoble photomatt Mr Anderson Suw Jeremy Zawodny Marshall Sponder Stephan Spencer Todd Mundt Pierre Omidyar Gary Arndt Andy Carvin John Proffitt Adam Lasnik Damiano Vukotic Barack Obama Michael Arrington Danny Sullivan Kevin Dando Britt Raybould Andrew Turner June Dershewitz jonny goldstein Andy Wibbels Vanessa Fox Jon Foreman Kate Enrique Gonzales Matt Cutts Heheheh Peter Corbett  Bryan Eisenberg Jim Sterne thebluestbutterfly
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