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@rstevens, fine. I will tell you the truth about 2012. First: Paypal me $10,000,000 quetzales to
@GlennF, screw that, let's just start our own cult. My name is already just 1 vowel off from that of a certain Sci-fi Church deity.
@ElPocho, I encourage all hippiegringos to believe 2012= world ends. Just empty bank accts into my hands on the way out.
@mikeout, totally. The calendrical system, and time, don't end. One cycle ends. It's analagous to Y2K.
@rstevens that "mayan calendar ends in 2012" stuff is utter hippie bs. I have good Mayan sources. :)
@marsrover: Tell noone about our rendezvous next Sol at Meridiani Planum. My love for you is as pure as the driven dust. OMG this isnt DM?--
@marsrover, I think I love you.
@souris the rolled-up Haring shots were all for you, baby.
Competing at '80s Hardcore YouTube-Fu w @seanbonner & others here in meatspace + remotely over IM. I win at Husker Dü:
@caliban23 really, you had a Keith Haring dream? Snuggling a gigantic, rolled-up work of his was not unlike a dream, so we're even.
One of many incredible pieces of art at the Hopper residence:
I slept with Keith Haring at casa del Hopper: So did @seanbonner. @souris has pix on the way.
@seanbonner following you cuz i m looking to learn and share and build genuine value and add to this community, can you comment?thanksSPAM
(that was self-deprecating humor. Signing off now. )
A question for Squyres: why won't @marsrover follow me on Twitter? I've at-ted it several times. What gives?
Squyres is awesome. A true national treasure.
Squyres: Spirit Rover can send down equivalent of 3 MP3s a day. NOTE: he's using a Mac. AND COMIC SANS.
My ADD is kicking in. Can't decide between Squyres' Mars hirez rover pix & stunning art on walls (Ruscha, Stella, Haring...)
Inside Dennis Hopper's Venice loft w HHILLS ppl, viewing Steve Squyre's Mars pix. Amazing. Elon Musk also spoke.
@souris: are you wearing a space-costume to Cmdr. Hopper's? My zero-G suit is back from the cleaners, but it clashes w/ @seanbonner's.


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Evan Williams Sarah Milstein Blaine Cook Jason Shellen danah boyd Mary Hodder Jason Cosper seanbonner David Ulevitch Scott Beale Dylan Tweney Jason Calacanis Stewart Butterfield Caterina Jason Fields Mark Frauenfelder Veronica Belmont Andre Torrez Nick Mickipedia Eddie Codel Nathan Freitas Justin Hall merci lorelei Alice Taylor Anil Dash Lawgeek jimbo wales Sarah Austin c6y flunters rstevens Tom Zeller Jr.
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