Telecommunications Device for the Deaf
(TDD) Number

Persons with hearing disabilities can reach us by calling Relay Missouri at 800-735-2966.

Using the Google Search

Our department uses a Search Box on our Web site to allow our customers to find specific information.

Search section snapshot of banner on Web pages.

Tthe Search Box is in the black navigation bar that is located towards the top of all DNR Web pages. You can type your word or phrase, such as "asbestos" or "water quality" in the white box and then click on Search or hit Enter. By default, a list will display of all DNR pages or documents that have that specific word or phrase in them.

Beside the white box are two radio buttons; site and state. By default "site" is selected and the search for your word or phrase will only return pages or documents that are on DNR's Web site. By selecting "state" your search will return any documents or pages that have your word or phrase in them for the entire state government Web site.

Text Size

Using Firefox or newer versions of Internet Explorer (7 or higher) you can control your reading experience. If the text on your browser looks too large or too small, follow these simple directions.

How to Increase or Decrease Text Size

If you are using a mouse with a scroll wheel, hold down the "Ctrl" key and scroll up or down with the wheel. This method allows for easy adjustment of text size without using any menus (if your browser supports it).

Markup Validation Services

The DNR Web site is designed to validate to the XHTML 1.0-Transitional standard and the Cascading Style Sheet Level 2 (CSS2) specification.

Valid XHTML 1.0! Valid CSS!