Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius











Last Updated December 02, 2008


Governor's Column: 

Highlighting Hospice Care

Here in Kansas, we value helping our neighbors, our families and our friends. It’s a common thread that binds us together and makes our state a great place to live, work and raise a family.

This month, we’re taking a moment to thank those individuals who help families get through incredibly difficult times – the passing of a loved one.

During National Hospice Month in November, we recognize Hospice Care of Kansas and the over 70 hospices throughout the state who care for patients during the final stages of life. Studies show that hospice staff members not only provide compassionate care, but also help terminally ill hospice patients live longer than patients not receiving hospice care.    Full Story

Press Releases:


Sebelius reflects on National Governors’ Association meeting with President-Elect Obama

Statement from Governor Kathleen Sebelius after today's meeting with governors and the President-Elect and Vice President-Elect in Philadelphia:

“Forty-eight governors gathered in Philadelphia for an unprecedented meeting with the President-Elect, the Vice President-Elect, and key members of the future White House staff. This has never happened before in history during a transition.   Full Story

Lieutenant Governor launches website to help Kansans save money

To help Kansans save money during the holidays and year-round, Lieutenant Governor Mark Parkinson launched today “Mark’s Guide for Penny Pinchers,” a website helping Kansans identify ways to do more with less.    Full Story

State looks at new ways to ensure equal treatment for Kansas children

Governor Kathleen Sebelius today announced a new effort, under the direction of her Health and Human Services Subcabinet team, to assure racial and ethnic equity is a standard outcome across all Kansas child welfare and juvenile justice programs. Don Jordan, Subcabinet Chair and Secretary of Social and Rehabilitation Services, will lead this initiative.    Full Story

Governors Sebelius and Schwarzenegger host Climate Summit

Governor Kathleen Sebelius joined California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, and three other governors yesterday, in hosting the first Governors' Global Climate Summit.    Full Story

Sebelius names Dennis McKinney State Treasurer

Citing his dedication to Kansans and ability to work through tough challenges, both in the Legislature and in his community, Governor Kathleen Sebelius has named Representative Dennis McKinney as State Treasurer.    Full Story

Kansas Wins 2008 Coaches' Mentoring Challenge

Coach Bill Snyder, chair of Kansas Mentors, is the winner of the 2008 Coaches' Mentoring Challenge. Snyder was recognized at the K-State - Nebraska game in Manhattan on Saturday.    Full Story

“First Dude” to promote reading to elementary school students

Next week, Kansas’ “First Dude” Judge Gary Sebelius, husband of Governor Kathleen Sebelius and a federal magistrate judge, will take some time out of his regular day, reading to students at a local elementary school.    Full Story

Items of Interest



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Conserving Energy

Governor provides tools for Kansans to fight high gas prices

Kansas Mentors Program

We invest in our children's schools and get involved in their lives because we care about our children and want them to reach their God-given potential. Please join us in creating a brighter future for all Kansas children by participating in Kansas Mentors. Kansas Mentors

Healthy Kansas

"As the states largest purchaser of health care services, the State of Kansas can play a major role in reforming health care system"
- Governor Sebelius
Health Kansas

Hope Has Returned to the Heartland

2008 State of the State Address 

Key Proposals in 2008 State of
the State Address