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Embassy Election Watch Extravaganza

Embassy Election Watch Extravaganza
Photos courtesy of U.S. Embassy
Public Affairs and Daniel Kestenholz

It was lights!  Camera!  And democracy in action at the U.S. Election Watch 2008 event hosted by U.S. Ambassador Eric G. John at the Grand Hyatt Erawan on November 5.  More than 1,700 guests including government officials, academics, media, business leaders, diplomats, civil society, students and politicians from across Thailand joined the U.S. Embassy in Bangkok at this highly-anticipated election event.  Among those to make appearances at the event were Prime Minister Somchai Wongsawat and Bangkok Governor Apirak Kosayodhin, both of whom extended their warm congratulations to the United States and President-elect Barack Obama.

Guests and Embassy staff alike joined in the thrill of watching history unfold as together we tracked the 2008 U.S. election results in an atmosphere charged with emotion, energy and excitement!   During his welcome, Ambassador John expressed pride over the U.S. system of democracy and its resilience, having “endured and triumphed over unforeseen obstacles since our young country cast its first ballot for the presidency in 1788.”  (full remarks)

Over the seven-hour Election Watch 2008 extravaganza, Embassy guests were able to learn about the U.S. electoral process and track real-time election returns through a series of unique activities and interactives, including live links with VOA Thai Service in Washington DC for on-the-ground analysis of the election results, special iReports from Thai exchange students in the U.S., minute-by-minute electoral college map updates, informational scavenger hunts, and a mock polling booth.  Senior Embassy officials also provided a series of informational briefings on key issues, while members from Democrats Abroad and Republicans Abroad were on hand to answer questions from the myriads in attendance.   All eyes focused on the jumbo screens around the room as Senator John McCain delivered his concession speech and later when President-elect Barack Obama delivered his victory speech in front of millions of supporters.

More on the 2008 U.S. elections and President-elect Barack Obama?  Please see the resources below or visit www.america.gov

• Statement by President Bush on U.S. Presidential Election Results
• Statement by Secretary Rice on Obama’s Presidential Victory
• World Celebrates Barack Obama’s Historic Win
• Barack Obama: 44th President of the United States

Latest Headlines From the Embassy

Corporate Social Responsibility: Private Enterprise Addressing Social Issues

Corporate Social Responsibility
Over the last several years, citizens in the United States and around the world have started to call for more action from private enterprise on important social issues, beyond compliance with regulations and traditional charity-related work. The result has been a movement known as corporate social responsibility (CSR). Today, there is an important political benefit to the participation of global companies in local economies and with that we have seen many businesses institute CSR programs to support the communities in which they work. The U.S. Department of State has been an active in promoting corporate social responsibility programs around the world. Hear more from Ambassador Eric G. John about what U.S. businesses are doing to support this important effort here in Thailand. (English | Thai)


Indiana Artist John Domont to Visit Thailand with Department of State’s ART in Embassies Program

Paintings: Begging Bowls - Begging Bowl #62 32 x 32, 2008; Oil on Canvas.
Paintings: Begging
Bowls#62 2008;
Oil on Canvas.
John Domont, a native resident of Indianapolis, Indiana, will travel to Thailand in November 2008 as an American Artist Abroad sponsored by the Department of State’s ART in Embassies Program.

Mr. Domont will visit Thailand between November 15 and 26 to engage in a series of lectures and hands-on workshops with a variety of schools, cultural institutions, students and local artists.  In Bangkok, Mr. Domont will present an exhibition of his photographs of Indiana, Yellowstone National Park, Japan and Cambodia’s Angkor Wat.

Mr. Domont currently has five paintings on exhibit in U.S. Ambassador Eric G. John’s official residence in Bangkok, three from his begging bowl series and two depicting the Indiana landscape.  These paintings are part of a larger exhibition of twenty works at the residence by American artists, all with ties to Indiana, which is the Ambassador’s home state. (more)


U.S. Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation Launches Path to Raise Public Awareness of Mahasarakham Temple Murals

A window to the past, the mural paintings from both Wat Phodharam and Wat Parerai are exquisite shades of turquoise, blueberry and brown.
On October 15, Embassy Bangkok Public Affairs staff, led by Cultural Attaché J.P. Schutte, traveled to the Isaan region of Thailand to visit the U.S. Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation project at Mahasarakham Temple. The project, designed to develop the means to preserve the unique temple frescoes painted over a century ago by a local artisan, joins Mahasarakham Rajabhat University with local residents in an effort increase awareness on ways to care for the exterior and interior mural paintings at the two temples, Wat Phodharam and Wat Parerai. Click here to see the pictures of the project.

New!U.S. Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation 2009 Call for Proposals: The U.S. Embassy in Bangkok and the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the U.S. Department of State are pleased to announce the 2009 call for proposals for the U.S. Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation. Click here for more on how to submit your proposal.


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