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Vegan Dessert Recipes

Desserts are often intimidating dishes to prepare when you've gone dairy-free, and they're even more intimidating once you've gone egg-free or vegan as well. These recipes will give you some dairy-free, egg-free ideas for terrific finishes.

Dairy-Free Egg-Free Desserts

Ashley's Dairy Free Cooking Blog

Have a cookie:Dairy-free Wheat-free Polenta Cookies

Friday January 16, 2009
Dairy-Free Polenta CookiesI love processes, be it growing plants, making homemade starter for bread (the long way, with just flour and water), sprouting wheatberries, making wine or any one of an infinite number of time-worthy activities. I am thrilled with sauces that take all day, especially those that are based from a stock from a roast that took all day. Most of the time, if something takes a long time, I've got the time to take.

But then, there are cookies. And cookies are, well, just really good.

I know January's about half-way through, and many of us are done with our resolutions by now (how does that happen?), but for those of you that aren't and are looking for something that might not take a long time but is still really, really good, I recommend these Cranberry Polenta Cookies, which are not only dairy-free, but egg-free and wheat-free as well.

SO: have a cookie, and save the time worthy dishes for another time:

  • Chocolate No-Bake Cookies
  • Healthy Chocolate Chip Cookies
  • Healthy Pumpkin Cookies
  • Oatmeal Cranberry Cookies
  • Raw Date Cookies
  • Photo © 2009 Ashley Skabar, licensed to About.com, Inc.

    Lentils for Lean Times: Lentil Millet Moroccan Stew Recipe

    Monday January 12, 2009
    Lentil Moroccan SoupSo, in these lean times, a lot of people new to the dairy-free or vegan diet ask me how it is that I can afford to eat healthy as so many fake "cheeses," "yogurts," and "meats" are so pricey. Well, to be honest, I am someone who prefers a pantry full of dry goods and a refrigerator full of fresh fruits and vegetables than one filled with "substitutes." (For those of you that have made many of my recipes, you'll know that I do, however, have a soft-spot for Willow Run's Soy margarine, which is always in the fridge.) My answer to them is just that: I make a lot of rice, couscous, millet and pasta along with vegetables, beans, legumes, all of which are cheap, filling and healthy.

    One item that is always in stock in my home in several varieties is one of the simplest to prepare: lentils. Filling, high in protein and fiber, and so versatile, dried lentils are inexpensive and can be prepared in a short amount of time.

    This Lentil Millet Moroccan Soup Recipe is a pantry staple favorite of mine; prepared in less than an hour, this flavorful stew satisfies adults and kids alike at a price you can afford.

    Here are just a few more of my favorite lentil recipes that are great for lean wallets and waistlines:

  • Lentil Veggie Burgers
  • Spicy Lentil Dahl
  • Vegetarian Lentil Loaf
  • Photo © 2008 Ashley Skabar, licensed to About.com, Inc.

    For Everyone:Vegan Chocolate Cake Recipe

    Friday January 9, 2009
    Dairy-Free Egg-Free Chocolate CakeWhile I realize that we all have social influences that contribute to our particular "tastes" when it comes to foods, I am still always on the look out for opinions and ideas as to the development of our individual palates, and, over a delicious dairy-free meal in the company of several intelligent adults, I engaged in a conversation discussing observed patterns of culinary tendencies. We came up with a few basic observations:

  • You can like ginger and you can like garlic, but you cannot like them both equally.
  • People who prefer to eat sweets that are light and fluffy, like cake, are in one camp, while people who prefer small, rich indulgences, like truffles or fudge, are in another.
  • There are "sweet" people (pancakes, breads, cobblers, cakes) and there are "savory" people (eggs, hummus, lentils, stirfry, etc.), and, while "sweet" people can like savory foods and "savory" people can like sweets, they cannot like them equally. (And those eaters of sweet, fluffy desserts are generally "sweet" people, and those eaters of small, rich indulgences are generally "savory".)
  • There were several other observations made over this dinner, but these observations alone made me wonder, "What dessert can I make that could satisfy both camps in our food theory (that is, of course, dairy-free)?" The answer? Vegan Chocolate Cake.

    The best of both camps, Chocolate Cake is light and fluffy, but not too light or too fluffy for those "savory" folks; in fact, it's rich. And, to help those of you in the New Year's Resolution camp, it's significantly healthier than traditional chocolate cake recipes, prepared with heart-healthy canola oil, maple syrup, silken tofu and almond milk in place of traditional ingredients like eggs, butter and sugar.

    Here are a few more dairy-free dessert recipes that I have decided are perfect for both camps:

  • Caramel Tassies (Dairy-Free, Vegan)
  • Dairy-Free Cheesecake
  • Devils Food Cake (Dairy-Free, Vegan)
  • Vegan Brownie Cake
  • Photo © 2008 Ashley Skabar, licensed to About.com, Inc.

    Healthier Cheese: Dairy-Free Herbed Yogurt Cheese

    Tuesday January 6, 2009
    Dairy-Free Herbed Yogurt CheeseResolving to eat healthier doesn't mean that you have to give up on flavor, taste and presentation. For those of you who have been dairy-free, vegetarian or vegan for any length of time, you know that most people do not believe this; anytime you go to a non-veggie, dairy-laden household, the first thing anyone asks is if you'd like a lettuce salad.

    Well, I love lettuce, but I love flavor more.

    I also, however, love eating healthy foods that make me feel good. This Dairy-free Herbed Yogurt Cheese is one of my favorite healthy-yet-decadent foods, rich and creamy but still good for you. Prepared with dairy-free soy yogurt, this "cheese" takes several days to make, but it is well worth the effort! By far my favorite dairy-free cheese, this Dairy-free Herbed Yogurt Cheese is prepared similarly to regular cheese-- draining the liquid "whey" portion through a cheesecloth over several days-- which accounts for its cheese-like flavor and consistency.

    Here are a few more of my "healthy" indulgences that are conveniently dairy-free:

  • Dairy-Free Cinnamon Custard
  • Healthy Apple Bread Pudding
  • Light Goddess Dressing
  • Poached Salmon with Ginger Sauce
  • Vegan Macaroni and Cheese

    Photo © 2008 Ashley Skabar, licensed to About.com, Inc.

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