Naval Safety School Relocation: More Credible Cost Analysis Is Needed

NSIAD-91-145 March 22, 1991
Full Report (PDF, 14 pages)  


Pursuant to a congressional request, GAO reviewed the: (1) Navy's decision to relocate the Naval Safety School based on the Chief of Naval Education and Training's review; and (2) impact of the transfer on Navy safety training.

GAO found that: (1) the Navy's cost analysis was inadequate, since it did not update the cost analysis to reflect recent changes in its relocation plans; (2) the reported benefits were speculative and the cited cost savings were uncertain; (3) the Navy did not have plans to correct and update the cost analysis before proceeding with the relocation, which the Navy expected to be no earlier than June 1991; and (4) it could not make a reliable assessment of the impact the relocation will have on the Navy's safety training, primarily due to the cost uncertainties, recent expansion of the school's mission, and the possibility of a contractor change.