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Now I have Twitter guilt! Who knew there's be so many different varieties, in this brave new world.
I have penetrated the citadel of Hollywood and found that sanctum sanctorum: the Comedy Writer's Room.
okay, I'm back at O'Hare. How did this happen? Do I live here, and occasionally visit that wife and children en route to elsewhere?
Very excited to go to South Dakota. Okay, not so much, because I'm traveling lots, but I am a little excited, because I've never been there!
Jazzed from a nice chat with George McGovern.
Back at home. I think. Wait, let me look out the window: Yup, that's Lake Michigan.
Also, comedy writers are actually quite funny.
LA is wonderful when somebody else is paying for it. And when you have a return ticket in your pocket.
@BillCorbett With a slave -- or maybe a development exec -- behind me, whispering, "Remember, you are mortal."
@BillCorbett Back in the day, I always imagined my return would start with a Triumph down Century Boulevard, with my captives before me.
Sixteen years after moving out of LA, I will return, if not in glory, then at least in an airplane seat someone else is paying for.
Stumbling toward mourning, here:
Extraordinarily distressed, dismayed, and sad at the death of David Foster Wallace.
Really, really enjoying Amy Dickinson's new book, which I have, and you don't because she is my pal. Hah on you.
Blogging about political empathy, here:
Cleaning the kitchen. Who keeps sneaking in here and messing up the kitchen? Also: dealing with Palin hate mail.
I guess the "YEAAH!" guy doesn't like Palin. Or got thrown out. Or sobered up.
Who is the guy at the RNC yelling "YEEAAAAH! YEEEEEAH!" all the time. It's like one weird, loud guy.


Halsted Stephen Colbert Jonathan Coulton Phil Plait Jesse Thorn Josh Andrews ranckle mkramer Ana Marie Cox lukeford waitwait hodgman The Fix HeadCandy BillCorbett Rachel Maddow MSNBC