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U.S. Trade Agreements web site banner - A joint effort between the Departments of Agriculture, Commerce, State, Treasury and the Office of the United States Trade Representative.

About Trade

"Free and fair trade helps secure a future of freedom and promise."

President George W. Bush
World Trade Week Proclomation
May 16, 2008

Site Updated: November 19, 2008 is an interagency effort by the United States Government to provide the public with the latest information on America's trade agreements. A joint effort between the Departments of Agriculture, Commerce, State, Treasury and the Office of the United States Trade Representative, this site will be regularly updated with news about existing agreements, as well as pending free trade agreements with Peru, Colombia, Panama and South Korea.

  • Agriculture
  • Commerce
  • State
  • Treasury
  • U.S. Trade Representative

News Highlights

Gutierrez seated, holding microphone. Click for larger image.

Secretary Gutierrez Speaks to American Entrepreneurs About Administration’s Trade Accomplishments

Washington (Nov. 18)—U.S. Commerce Secretary Carlos M. Gutierrez spoke about the importance of trade—and its role in ensuring our nation’s future prosperity at a Small Business Administration (SBA) trade symposium. “Exports were $1 trillion in 2001. At present rates, America’s exports will be approaching $2 trillion this year… and exports account for essentially all the growth in our economy so far this year,” Gutierrez said. An important step that will give our economy the stimulus it urgently needs would be passing the three pending free trade agreements before Congress, especially Colombia. (Remarks) (Video) (Fact Sheet)

Gutierrez gesturing from the podium.  Click for larger image.

“Commerce Helps Freedom and Freedom Helps Commerce,” Gutierrez Says of Administration’s Accomplishments in Spreading Freedom and Democracy

Washington (Nov. 6)—Secretary of Commerce Carlos M. Gutierrez spoke at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars about the Bush Administration’s achievements in spreading freedom and democracy through commerce. From Iraq to Afghanistan, to Georgia and throughout Latin America, where entrepreneurs, free enterprise and innovators flourish, so does creativity, prosperity and increasingly freedom. “Free trade agreements work. They work for both sides … [and] probably the single biggest example that I can think of for commerce to make a difference is for Congress to approve the free trade agreement with Colombia,” Secretary Gutierrez said. (Remarks) (Video) (Fact Sheet)