Congresswoman Lois Capps
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For Immediate Release
May 24, 2007


Capps Set To Vote Against Iraq War Funding Bill


Says Legislation Without Timelines Enables Bush Administration’s Failed Policies


WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congresswoman Lois Capps issued the following statement regarding her vote against the Iraq war funding bill.

“Today I will be voting against the Iraq war funding bill because it does not contain any timelines to end the war and bring our troops home.  The bill does not reflect, as President Bush erroneously stated earlier today, a new strategy in Iraq.  It is more of the same failed policies that got us into this quagmire.  Across the country and across the Central and South coasts, people have demanded a new direction in Iraq and I completely share that goal.  I have opposed this war from the beginning and cannot, in good conscience, vote for legislation that continues President Bush’s failed strategy and open-ended commitment in Iraq. 


"I am deeply grateful for the sacrifice our brave troops and their families make for our country everyday in Iraq, Afghanistan and around the world.  Unfortunately, they have been let down by the failures of this Administration which unnecessarily brought us into the Iraq war and has grossly mismanaged it for more than 4 years.


"Earlier this year, Democrats passed legislation that contained a sensible timeline to end the war, but President Bush’s veto and Congressional Republicans’ support for his action irresponsibly killed that bill.  We need to redouble our efforts to convince those still supporting the President’s failed policy that this war must end.”


Pictured above: (center) Congresswoman Capps meets with Central Coast firefighters to discuss emergency preparedness.

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