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Aw, just went 100% paid - except for people who had a free account before they switched. Sweet! Love that site. - Roadblock on the stairs!
Just got Olive a new doggie toy and she LOVES it. I'm so excited, this must be like what parents feel like when their kids are happy :D
@sparkleshelf Mmmmm everyone needs a good onesie.. Or not!
Aw, I missed my mashable post hitting the front page of digg yesterday. Still on the front page of Apple though :)
Read my predictions for what will be hot in 2010 in @WayneNH 's article "Hot Decade: The 2010's" -
@WayneNH YEAH! Great article, love that you ended it with my near and dear hopes for hoverboards :)
Man behind bars after hitting woman in face with cheeseburger -
Hello 4am! Gah!
How is one supposed to sleep when there are 12 episodes of TrueBlood on OnDemand?
From the Portsmouth, RI website:" Please recycle. It saves your money and your planet, and is required by law." KINDAAGGRESSIVE. ;)
@pglyman :) Guess you read my props? :)
Thanks @sondernagle @aloneonafriday and @kate_the_great for the places to start :) I'll check out, craigslist and the United Way :)
@tidrion You payin' my airfare buddy? ;)
I've been looking for places to volunteer in RI (soup kitchens, animal shelters etc), anyone know of places that need help?
@wboswell Read your Mint vs. Rudder (+ commented), did you try out Geezeo at all? Wondering how Mint fares these days
@KristenNicole2 I'm all about the PBand celery, haven't tried cream cheese, but it doesn't sound as good!
@SocialJulio Oh my crap, and he doesn't seem to be very gentle!
heyoooo my new mashable post is up - 100+ iPhone Games That Use the Accelerometer - (leave me some love)!


Biz Stone Evan Williams BJ Cook Sooz bobcat rock Chris Brogan kristen crusius drew olanoff Bill Palmer John Federico Brian Clark Jim Long Robert Scoble Jeremy Harrington giovanni matthew Hugh MacLeod Chris Abraham Brian Jepson Kevin Rose Linda Mills Matt Gillooly Rob Blatt Mark Delfs Jeff Keni Pulver Christopher Penn Hilary Mason Patrick Hughes Sam Holland Rowan LW Amanda Chapel Dan Thornton Avi Joseph David Ward Michael Arrington Saul Colt
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