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@methodmissing I'm sending one to everyone on my xmas list!
NSFW!!! (NOTSAFEFORWORK!!!) {Seriously, don't click this in the office!!!!} Butt it is awesome!
RT @lessallan,@dneighbors: The dentist commented on the maniless of my stache today, was so bummed I was not wearing this:
RT @lessallan: Less Episode 4 - @stevenbristol talks about how his "new thing" is not to wear pants while working.
fucking @lessallan just pointed out that my recent tweets all start with the words "fucking @lessallan just." Fuck that guy!
Fucking @lessallan just did the same thing to @joshuastreet. If @lessallan invites you to a video chat, decline.
Fucking @lessallan just recored the next episode. It's more embarrassing than the last. I h8 my business partner. Tonight: Planets Align in a Frown - Wired News
@bryanl It looks like IM isn't even a feature anymore.
Netflix now let's Mac users stream movies. About time. I actually installed silverlight just to do this. i threw up a little in my mouth.
RT @mremsik: Is that your wife?
@imownbey You should go talk to him. Make friends. -- No just kidding. Be afraid.
trying to eat a healthy dinner. failing.
@eyemusing There is something wrong with twitter. It does not give accurate data so lessfriends and quitter and twitterless are all wrong.
Just checked out Sequel Pro. It's not better than php myadmin.
@imehesz Ha. Thanks for the mention, buddy! :)


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