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pretty alpha for now. will get better as the data slowly gets recrawled. top 100 on twitterholic by location example:
Brevard Florida creatives tonight. for more<your twitter name> for your stats. It'll now add you if you aren't currently one of the 600k or so being tracked! :)
thanks for the shopping feedback!
whats the best hosted shopping application? shopify? yahoo stores?
@xentek o.g. for sure. wrote it close to 2 years ago now (pre-api). We were scraping about 50-60k html pages a day (ugh!). much nicer now ;)
@xentek recrawling some stats, it'll be back soon (about 500k users left). I'll do browse by location probably tommorow night :)
changed the db structure a smidge.. should be able to do a lot cooler queries now.. any twitterholic suggestions? let @gavin or i know
@corycollier i totally lied to you. broken query, hold on ;)
@corycollier according to twitterholic, you're #11 in followers in "Orlando, FL"
boarding plane heading home to MCO.
@tiburon eh, they're mostly from @gavin.... ;)
barack obama's twitter page was just recrawled, now back in the #1 spot. there is no conspiracy, please stop sending hate emails ;)
new script runs great. took 3 minutes to write, but put it off for 2 years..... ;) Niiice. Re-crawling now.
testing the new cronjob
@chrishusein get world tour. kathryn and i are addicted.
@ampalm agreed. I was hoping for a more energy focus w/ richardson
great article on cnet with @ev re. twitter. --
Twitterholic whitelisted now. Hopefully will find time to rewrite things to work mo' better soon.


Evan Williams Jason Shellen Gavin bill Dave McClure Nick Douglas peterme Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Brian Oberkirch Tim Kersey Scott Beale Thomas Vander Wal Kevin Lawver Jason Calacanis Steve Ganz Josh Hallett Alex Hillman Veronica Belmont Emily Chang Alex de Carvalho Tantek Çelik Colin Devroe  Chris Heuer Matt Heerema Jeremy Harrington noah kagan Ryan Carson Anthony Eden Dave Coustan Ryan Price Anil Dash Scott McNulty Jordan Running Bill Ferrante Joshua Blount
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