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Thinking about Mumbai.
At airport picking up my son. Home from school. Yay!
Just finished Touching the Void. Thanks @polarben
@fredwilson it is with deep humility that accept your nomination.
Long break between coaching calls. Reading. Napping. Trying to shake this cold.
reading about Lincoln's opposition to Polk's unnecessary war where he lied about provocation. And the recession that followed.
Is it "feed a cold; starve a fever" or "starve a cold; feed a fever"? Too sick to remember.
@ceonyc Jack Bauer will be Segal's back up
Glowing after having received a lovely note from a former coaching client.
Mark Cuban accused of insider trading:
It's the Quad, stupid. Not the knee! Grateful for the miracle of Tiger Balm.
Knee is better this AM. I'm headed to the gym. If things hold up well, will do a longish run later.
Drowning my knee sorrows in chai.
knee acting up after boxing yesterday. pain this morning. enforced rest today. not happy.
has been blown away once more by The Art of the Fugue.
@wonderwillow yes. actually he said "no screens"...that includes cellphones. ;-)
@vagredajr but I loooove Cosmo. He's the most brilliant cartoon character ever.
feelin' groovy
getting ready to celebrate my daughter's 16th birthday... with cough medicine, antibiotics, and a doctor's appointment.