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Accidently caught 10 min of MTV. If this is real, society's screwed.
Me: yeah, and the snowman cookie. Starbucks girl: jaw drop followed by an honest laugh
"the first event to bring three major browser vendors to the table to discuss the future of the web browser platform"
8 o'clock dude canceled. via email. after 8 o'clock. ugh...
I get disappointed with myself when I'm so impatient with my family, especially when I miss them
@vada awesome. in a really geeky, obtuse way. right up my alley :) see you next week? I'm in town for
Add-on-Con: Just added Bessemer to the VC Panel, 'Investing in Add-ons'. Niice! $100 w/ discount code 'adaptiveblue'
Does 'milkyway' count as 'leafy greens'?
Geez, that was a day. Off to track down dinner in caveman-wandering style
@kmaverick @evbart - it was odd, we didn't make the list! the applicant did searching on Twitter and you 2 were in the list of 10 names
part of our interview process is a written test. part of said test involves identifying 'right' influencers @evbart + @kmaverick were listed
@csteib access the 'Actions' page for an object and select 'share on Twitter' (you can select or deselect the auto post option)
From the AdaptiveBlue blog: StockTwits Gets Stickier, Adds Glue.
I was buying at $330. I'm still buying at $270. Long $goog
Spent the afternoon at the office catching up on stuff. Off to grab food and then home for the evening.
@csteib look deeply into the songs to appreciate the genius that is iTunes Genius. that, or be willing to like a rebranded shuffle ;)
Had an upset stomach last night. Hoping that the solid sleep I just had helped.
Just dropped 10 miles. Failed to stretch (bad habit). Paying the price: sore legs and a painful lower back.
off for a walk through the west village to reflect on the past few months. Reflection is important for me but I don't do it often enough.
@kmaverick light my candle. I'm a sucker for the back and forth. In the same vein I love meatloaf's paradise by the dashboard light


Tom Limongello Kevin Cawley lane Thor Muller Patrick Woodward Andrew Parker Eric Olson greg cohn Dan Lurie Eric Friedman CenterNetworks Rex Hammock Nate Westheimer Nivi Andy Swan Charlie O'Donnell Kristian Hansen Tim Marman Sean Ammirati David Cohen Mathew Ingram Mike Doeff  Michael S Galpert Corey Henderson Fred Wilson Candice Quates Kristin Maverick mike dunn Adam Kane Stan James Rey Bango Aunt Bee Alex Iskold Jeremy Stein Tony Bacigalupo Brad Feld