The White House, President George W. Bush Click to print this document

For Immediate Release
Office of the First Lady
December 14, 2006

Fact Sheet: The White House Summit on Malaria

     Fact sheet The White House Summit on Malaria

On December 14, 2006, The President And Mrs. Bush Will Host The First-Ever White House Summit On Malaria In Washington, D.C. The White House Summit on Malaria will bring together international experts; corporations and foundations; African civic leaders; and voluntary, faith-based and non-profit organizations. The Summit's goals are to raise awareness of malaria and to mobilize a grassroots effort to save millions of lives in Africa. One American with just $10 can help save a life in Africa. A school, a church, or a team can help save a village. Together, Americans can help protect an entire continent.

The President’s Malaria Initiative Is Saving Lives. President Bush announced the President's Malaria Initiative (PMI) in June 2005. A five-year, $1.2 billion program, PMI challenges the private sector to join the U.S. government in combating malaria in 15 of the hardest-hit African countries. PMI's goal is to cut malaria’s mortality rate by 50 percent in these target countries, freeing these African nations and their citizens from the grip of debilitating disease.

The White House Summit On Malaria Will:

White House Summit On Malaria Themes

Partnering Together To Fight Malaria

No Single Organization Or Entity Can Solve Global Health Issues Facing Africa. Groups like the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, ExxonMobil, the Global Fund, Malaria No More and Saddleback Church are rising to President Bush’s challenge and mobilizing private sector support to defeat malaria in Africa.

White House Summit On Malaria Partners Include:

For More Information On This Initiative, Please Visit:

To View The White House Summit On Malaria Live Webcast, Please Visit:

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