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Roadless Area Conservation
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Roadless Area Profiles

Apalachicola Savannahs Roadless Area

Site Location: Apalachicola Savannahs Inventoried Roadless Area is located in the Florida “panhandle”  on the westernmost side of the Apalachicola National Forest, bordering State Highway 379.  Contained within the Roadless Area is a 468-acre Research Natural Area which was designated in 1975.
Site Description:

The area is flat, and is composed of open savannah with a few areas of longleaf pine.  There are a few wetter sites with hardwood shrubs, which appear as oases dotting the savannah.  Several irregular-shaped, shallow depressions are scattered throughout the area, representing the undulations of the former Pleistocene sea bottom.

A dense cover of grasses and sedges interspersed with a surprising array of well over 100 species of wild flowers including many orchids and insectivorous plants is a distinguishing feature of this cover type.  The savannahs themselves are not considered to be a major plant community, but rather an unusual combination of vegetation within a plant community, the longleaf/slash pine ecosystem.  Wildlife common to the area include white-tailed deer, raccoon, fox, black bear, hawks, numerous songbirds, and the endangered Red-cockaded woodpecker.

A Forest Service Development road exists within the area, as well as a few old roads that are slowly becoming overgrown.  While there are limited opportunities for hiking, camping, backpacking or hunting, the area offers excellent opportunities for nature study, birdwatching, photography, outdoor education, and horse riding.  The area was listed on the Roadless Inventory during the RARE II process in the 1970s.



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Apalachicola Savannahd
Apalachicola Savannahd
Typical scene in the Savannahs Roadless Area on the Apalachicola National Forest in Florida. This fire dependent ecosystem exhibits a spectacular array of rare insectivorous pitcher plants interspersed among scattered longleaf and slash pines.

Click on Location Map to go to Apalachicola Savannahs Inventoried Roadless Area Location View
Ten Mile/Black Warrior Location Map


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