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Allium L.

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Native Status:  

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Photo of Allium L.
©G.A. Cooper. Courtesy of Smithsonian Institution, Department of Systematic Biology-Botany. United States, CA, Sequoia National Park, Alda Trail. Usage Requirements. Any use of copyrighted images requires notification of the copyright holder.
More Information:

Allium L.

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Allium L.

Distribution Map Legend

See U.S. county distributions (when available) by clicking on the map or the linked states below:


Related Taxa:
Allium L.

View 108 genera in Liliaceae or click below on a thumbnail map or name for species profiles.
Distribution of Allium aaseae Ownbey. .
Allium aaseae
South Idaho onion
Distribution of Allium abramsii (Ownbey & Aase) McNeal. .
Allium abramsii
Abrams' allium
Distribution of Allium acuminatum Hook.. . Image Available.
Allium acuminatum
tapertip onion
Distribution of Allium aflatunense B. Fedtsch.. . Image Available.
Allium aflatunense
Distribution of Allium allegheniense Small. . Image Available.
Allium allegheniense
Allegheny onion
Distribution of Allium ampeloprasum L.. .
Allium ampeloprasum
broadleaf wild leek
Distribution of Allium amplectens Hook.. . Image Available.
Allium amplectens
narrowleaf onion
Distribution of Allium anceps Kellogg. . Image Available.
Allium anceps
twinleaf onion
Distribution of Allium ascalonicum L.. . Image Available.
Allium ascalonicum
wild onion
Distribution of Allium atrorubens S. Watson. . Image Available.
Allium atrorubens
darkred onion
Distribution of Allium atroviolaceum Boiss.. .
Allium atroviolaceum
broadleaf wild leek
Distribution of Allium bigelovii S. Watson. .
Allium bigelovii
Bigelow's onion
Distribution of Allium bisceptrum S. Watson. . Image Available.
Allium bisceptrum
twincrest onion
Distribution of Allium bolanderi S. Watson. .
Allium bolanderi
Bolander's onion
Distribution of Allium brandegeei S. Watson. .
Allium brandegeei
Brandegee's onion
Distribution of Allium brevistylum S. Watson. .
Allium brevistylum
shortstyle onion
Distribution of Allium burdickii (Hanes) A.G. Jones. .
Allium burdickii
narrowleaf wild leek
Distribution of Allium burlewii Davidson. .
Allium burlewii
Burlew's onion
Distribution of Allium campanulatum S. Watson. . Image Available.
Allium campanulatum
dusky onion
Distribution of Allium canadense L.. . Image Available.
Allium canadense
meadow garlic
Distribution of Allium carinatum L. [excluded]. .
Allium carinatum
Distribution of Allium cepa L.. . Image Available.
Allium cepa
garden onion
Distribution of Allium cernuum Roth. . Image Available.
Allium cernuum
nodding onion
Distribution of Allium chinense G. Don. .
Allium chinense
Distribution of Allium columbianum (Ownbey & Mingrone) P. Peterson, Annable & Rieseberg. .
Allium columbianum
Columbian onion
Distribution of Allium constrictum (Ownbey & Mingrone) P. Peterson, Annable & Rieseberg. .
Allium constrictum
Grand Coulee onion
Distribution of Allium coryi M.E. Jones. . Image Available.
Allium coryi
yellowflower onion
Distribution of Allium cratericola Eastw.. . Image Available.
Allium cratericola
Cascade onion
Distribution of Allium crenulatum Wiegand. .
Allium crenulatum
Olympic onion
Distribution of Allium crispum Greene. . Image Available.
Allium crispum
crinkled onion
Distribution of Allium cuthbertii Small. .
Allium cuthbertii
striped garlic
Distribution of Allium denticulatum (Ownbey & Aase) McNeal. . Image Available.
Allium denticulatum
toothed onion
Distribution of Allium diabolense (Ownbey & Aase) McNeal. .
Allium diabolense
serpentine onion
Distribution of Allium dichlamydeum Greene. . Image Available.
Allium dichlamydeum
coastal onion
Distribution of Allium dictuon H. St. John. .
Allium dictuon
Blue Mountain onion
Distribution of Allium douglasii Hook.. . Image Available.
Allium douglasii
Douglas' onion
Distribution of Allium drummondii Regel. . Image Available.
Allium drummondii
Drummond's onion
Distribution of Allium elmendorfii M.E. Jones ex Ownbey. .
Allium elmendorfii
Elmendorf's onion
Distribution of Allium falcifolium Hook. & Arn.. . Image Available.
Allium falcifolium
scytheleaf onion
Distribution of Allium fibrillum M.E. Jones. .
Allium fibrillum
Cuddy Mountain onion
Distribution of Allium fimbriatum S. Watson. .
Allium fimbriatum
fringed onion
Distribution of Allium fistulosum L.. . Image Available.
Allium fistulosum
welsh onion
Distribution of Allium geyeri S. Watson. . Image Available.
Allium geyeri
Geyer's onion
Distribution of Allium glandulosum Link & Otto. .
Allium glandulosum
gland onion
Distribution of Allium gooddingii Ownbey. .
Allium gooddingii
Goodding's onion
Distribution of Allium haematochiton S. Watson. . Image Available.
Allium haematochiton
redskin onion
Distribution of Allium hickmanii Eastw.. .
Allium hickmanii
Hickman's onion
Distribution of Allium hoffmanii Ownbey. .
Allium hoffmanii
beegum onion
Distribution of Allium howellii Eastw.. .
Allium howellii
Howell's onion
Distribution of Allium hyalinum Curran. . Image Available.
Allium hyalinum
glassy onion
Distribution of Allium jepsonii (Ownbey & Aase) S. Denison & McNeal. .
Allium jepsonii
Jepson's onion
Distribution of Allium kunthii G. Don. . Image Available.
Allium kunthii
Kunth's onion
Distribution of Allium lacunosum S. Watson. . Image Available.
Allium lacunosum
pitted onion
Distribution of Allium lemmonii S. Watson. . Image Available.
Allium lemmonii
Lemmon's onion
Distribution of Allium macropetalum Rydb.. . Image Available.
Allium macropetalum
largeflower onion
Distribution of Allium macrum S. Watson. .
Allium macrum
rock onion
Distribution of Allium madidum S. Watson. .
Allium madidum
swamp onion
Distribution of Allium membranaceum Ownbey. .
Allium membranaceum
papery onion
Distribution of Allium moly L. [excluded]. .
Allium moly
Distribution of Allium monticola Davidson. .
Allium monticola
San Bernardino Mountain onion
Distribution of Allium munzii (Ownbey ex Traub) McNeal. . Image Available.
Allium munzii
Munz's onion
Distribution of Allium neapolitanum Cirillo. . Image Available.
Allium neapolitanum
white garlic
Distribution of Allium neopolitanum Cirillo. .
Allium neopolitanum
daffodil garlic
Distribution of Allium nevadense S. Watson. . Image Available.
Allium nevadense
Nevada onion
Distribution of Allium nevii S. Watson. .
Allium nevii
Nevius' garlic
Distribution of Allium nigrum L.. . Image Available.
Allium nigrum
black garlic
Distribution of Allium obtusum Lemmon. . Image Available.
Allium obtusum
red Sierra onion
Distribution of Allium odorum L.. . Image Available.
Allium odorum
Chinese chives
Distribution of Allium oleraceum L.. .
Allium oleraceum
field garlic
Distribution of Allium oxyphilum Wherry. .
Allium oxyphilum
lillydale onion
Distribution of Allium paniculatum L.. . Image Available.
Allium paniculatum
Mediterranean onion
Distribution of Allium parishii S. Watson. .
Allium parishii
Parish's onion
Distribution of Allium parryi S. Watson. .
Allium parryi
Parry's fringed onion
Distribution of Allium parvum Kellogg. . Image Available.
Allium parvum
small onion
Distribution of Allium passeyi N.H. Holmgren & A.H. Holmgren. .
Allium passeyi
Passey's onion
Distribution of Allium peninsulare Lemmon ex Greene. .
Allium peninsulare
Mexicali onion
Distribution of Allium perdulce S.V. Fraser. .
Allium perdulce
plains onion
Distribution of Allium platycaule S. Watson. . Image Available.
Allium platycaule
broadstemmed onion
Distribution of Allium pleianthum S. Watson. .
Allium pleianthum
manyflower onion
Distribution of Allium plummerae S. Watson. .
Allium plummerae
Tanners Canyon onion
Distribution of Allium porrum L.. . Image Available.
Allium porrum
garden leek
Distribution of Allium praecox Brandegee. . Image Available.
Allium praecox
early onion
Distribution of Allium ×proliferum (Moench) Schrad. ex Willd. [cepa × fistulosum]. .
Allium ×proliferum
garden onion
Distribution of Allium punctum L.F. Hend.. .
Allium punctum
dotted onion
Distribution of Allium robinsonii L.F. Hend.. .
Allium robinsonii
Robinson's onion
Distribution of Allium runyonii Ownbey. .
Allium runyonii
Runyon's onion
Distribution of Allium sanbornii Alph. Wood. .
Allium sanbornii
Sanborn's onion
Distribution of Allium sativum L.. . Image Available.
Allium sativum
cultivated garlic
Distribution of Allium schoenoprasum L.. . Image Available.
Allium schoenoprasum
wild chives
Distribution of Allium scilloides Douglas ex S. Watson. .
Allium scilloides
fragile onion
Distribution of Allium scorodoprasum L.. . Image Available.
Allium scorodoprasum
sand leek
Distribution of Allium serra McNeal & Ownbey. .
Allium serra
jeweled onion
Distribution of Allium serratum S. Watson [excluded]. . Image Available.
Allium serratum
Distribution of Allium sharsmithiae (Ownbey & Aase) McNeal. .
Allium sharsmithiae
Sharsmith's onion
Distribution of Allium shevockii McNeal. .
Allium shevockii
Spanish Needle onion
Distribution of Allium simillimum L.F. Hend.. .
Allium simillimum
simil onion
Distribution of Allium siskiyouense Ownbey. . Image Available.
Allium siskiyouense
Siskiyou onion
Distribution of Allium speculae Ownbey & Aase. .
Allium speculae
Little River Canyon onion
Distribution of Allium stellatum Fraser ex Ker Gawl.. . Image Available.
Allium stellatum
autumn onion
Distribution of Allium textile A. Nelson & J.F. Macbr.. . Image Available.
Allium textile
textile onion
Distribution of Allium tolmiei (Hook.) Baker ex S. Watson. . Image Available.
Allium tolmiei
Tolmie's onion
Distribution of Allium tribracteatum Torr.. .
Allium tribracteatum
threebract onion
Distribution of Allium tricoccum Aiton. . Image Available.
Allium tricoccum
Distribution of Allium triquetrum L.. . Image Available.
Allium triquetrum
threecorner leek
Distribution of Allium tuberosum Rottler ex Spreng.. .
Allium tuberosum
Chinese chives
Distribution of Allium tuolumnense (Ownbey & Aase) S. Denison & McNeal. . Image Available.
Allium tuolumnense
Rawhide HIll onion
Distribution of Allium unifolium Kellogg. . Image Available.
Allium unifolium
oneleaf onion
Distribution of Allium ursinum L.. . Image Available.
Allium ursinum
bear garlic
Distribution of Allium validum S. Watson. . Image Available.
Allium validum
Pacific onion
Distribution of Allium victorialis L.. . Image Available.
Allium victorialis
victory onion
Distribution of Allium vineale L.. . Image Available.
Allium vineale
wild garlic
Distribution of Allium yosemitense Eastw.. .
Allium yosemitense
Yosemite onion
Plant is native (blue) Native   Plant is introduced Introduced
Related taxa legend

Allium L.

Click on a scientific name below to expand it in the PLANTS Classification Report.
Kingdom Plantae – Plants
Subkingdom Tracheobionta – Vascular plants
Superdivision Spermatophyta – Seed plants
Division Magnoliophyta – Flowering plants
Class Liliopsida – Monocotyledons
Subclass Liliidae
Order Liliales
Family Liliaceae – Lily family
Genus Allium L. – onion

Noxious Weed Information:
Allium L.

This plant is listed by the U.S. federal government or a state. Common names are from state and federal lists. Click on a place name to get a complete noxious weed list for that location, or click here for a composite list of all Federal and State Noxious Weeds.

wild onion, wild garlic              Noxious weed

U.S. Weed Information:
Allium L.

wild onion, wild garlic

This plant can be weedy or invasive according to the authoritative sources noted below. This plant may be known by one or more common names in different places, and some are listed above. Click on an acronym to view each weed list, or click here for a composite list of Weeds of the U.S.

STATE        Assorted authors. 200_. State noxious weed lists for 46 states. State agriculture or natural resource departments.

More Accounts and Images:
Allium L.

View photographs from CalPhotos.

View species account and distribution map from Flora of North America (FNA).

View taxonomic account from Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) for ITIS Taxonomic Serial Number 42634.

View species account and distribution map from Jepson Interchange (University of California - Berkeley).

Time Generated: 10/12/2008 02:34 AM MDT