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Hogs Your Way
Choosing a Hog Production System
in the Upper Midwest

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Copyright ©  2001  Regents of the University of Minnesota. All rights reserved.

Thinking of a Change?
How to Use This Guide
Swedish Deep-Straw Farrowing System
On-Farm Experience:
Nolan Jungclaus, Swedish Deep-Straw Farrowing
Dwight Ault, Swedish Deep-Straw and Pasture Farrowing

Deep-Straw Hoop Structure System
On-Farm Experience:
Mark Moulton--Deep-Straw Hoop Structures
Roger Hubmer--Deep-Straw Hoop Structures
Dave Struthers--Deep-Straw Hoop Structures

Pasture Production Systems
On-Farm Experience:
Jim Van Der Pol--Combining Pasture and Hoop Structure Production
Tom Frantzen--Pasture Farrowing

Conventional Confinement Systems
On-Farm Experience:
Larry Liepold, Confinement Farrowing and Finishing
Scott Hislop, Confinement Farrowing and Contract Finishing
What's Best for You: Comparing Systems
What's Best for You: Applying Your Situation
Resources and Contacts
Cited References
Swine Sourcebook
Hogs Your Way
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