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New & Updated Publications

Organic Standards for Handling (Processing): Highlights of the USDA's National Organic Program Regulations

This collection of excerpts from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Organic Program provides the reader with key standards relevant to handlers of organic crops. This publication should be used together with excerpts for all certified organic operations, livestock production and crop production, as applicable.

[PDF / 693K]

Posted: November 29, 2008

Organic Standards for Crop Production: Highlights of the USDA's National Organic Program Regulations

This collection of excerpts from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Organic Program provides the reader with key standards relevant to organic crop production. This publication should be used together with excerpts for all certified organic operations, as well as with those for organic livestock production and handling of organic agricultural products, as applicable.

[PDF / 444K]

Posted: November 28, 2008

Organic Standards for Livestock Production: Highlights of the USDA’s National Organic Program Regulations

This collection of excerpts from the U. S. Department of Agriculture’s National Organic Program provides the reader with key standards relevant to organic livestock producers. This publication should be used with excerpts for all certified organic operations, and organic crop production and handling of organic agricultural products, as applicable.

[PDF / 430K]

Posted: November 15, 2008

An Illustrated Guide to Sheep and Goat Production

Sheep and goats are versatile animals and can be valuable and enjoyable additions to many farms, providing meat, milk and fiber products, as well as brush control and pasture improvement services. This new, basic and graphic introduction to sheep and goat production discusses animal selection, feeding, breeding and young stock, equipment and handling, and marketing.

[PDF / 1.9M]

Posted: October 16, 2008

Organic Materials Compliance

Materials for Organic Production, Handling, and Processing: Planning for Compliance with USDA's National Organic Program

The USDA’s National Organic Program regulates the use of substances and materials for farming, handling, and processing. This new 2008 publication discusses three basic steps to ensure that materials use is compliant with organic standards and certification. First, understand the regulations relevant to your operation. Next, create an Organic System Plan with your certifier. Finally, keep records of your purchase and use of all materials. Following these steps will help ensure compliant use of materials, and avoid any use of a prohibited material or incorrect use of a restricted material—which could necessitate an additional three-year transition process.

[PDF / 555K]

Posted: September 1, 2008

Peanuts: Organic Production

This new 2008 publication notes that people interested in growing peanuts and experienced peanut growers considering a switch to organic production may find a high demand for organic peanuts and enjoy premiums over traditionally grown peanuts. However, labor and management costs can be much higher for organic peanuts than conventionally grown peanuts. In place of off-farm inputs, organic peanut farmers can use intensive management, maintain high soil fertility, manage weeds through hand hoeing and specialized equipment and manage insects with alternative insect management strategies.

[PDF / 1.2M]

Posted: August 29, 2008

Farmers' Markets: Marketing and Business Guide

The number of farmers’ markets has increased dramatically in the U.S. during the past two decades. This publication extensively updated in 2008 is a resource for those who want to organize a farmers' market, to improve an existing market, or to increase their sales.

[PDF / 1.3M]

Posted: August 18, 2008

Farm Energy Calculators: Tools for saving money on the farm

Agricultural producers depend on energy, an important input to production. Direct costs of energy, such as fuel and electricity, paired with indirect energy costs in the form of fertilizers and chemicals, can significantly affect farm net revenues, especially as the price of energy continues to rise. Minimizing direct and indirect energy consumption on farms in the United States can lead to considerable savings. This new 2008 publication introduces and provides links to a variety of farm energy calculator tools.

[PDF / 485K]

Posted: July 31, 2008

Cucumber Beetles: Organic and Biorational Integrated Pest Management

Cucumber beetles are present throughout the United States and cause serious damage to cucurbit crops. Overwintering adult insects cause feeding damage on young plants, larvae in the soil feed on plant roots and second-generation adults cause feeding damage on plant leaves, blossoms and fruits. Adult insects transmit bacterial wilt and squash mosaic virus. Organic and biorational integrated pest management measures include delayed planting, trap crops, floating row covers, parasitic organisms and botanical pesticides. Field scouting or yellow sticky traps can monitor insect populations.

[PDF / 670K]

Posted: July 27, 2008

Organic Standards for All Organic Operations: Highlights of the USDA's National Organic Program Regulations

This collection of excerpts from the USDA's National Organic Program (NOP) Final Rule provides the reader with key standards relevant to all certified organic operations. This publication should be used, as needed, with standards specific to crop production, livestock production, or handling.

[PDF / 375K]

Posted: June 30, 2008

Positive Practices in Farm Labor Management

This new handbook highlights a broad range of positive labor practices—including many that are no-cost or low-cost—that can help you to improve worker satisfaction and retention on your farm. This handbook is based upon "Best Labor Practices on 12 California Farms: Toward a More Sustainable Food System," published by the California Institute for Rural Studies.

[PDF / 1.33M]


Scheduling Vegetable Plantings for Continuous Harvest

Market gardeners try to schedule their planting so they can offer customers a continuous supply of fresh flowers, herbs, and vegetables throughout the growing season. This publication updated in 2008 helps growers plan planting times and succession planting.

[PDF / 423K]

Posted: June 3, 2008

Garlic: Organic Production

Garlic is a cool-season crop grown in most regions of the U.S. This publication significantly updated in 2008 addresses most aspects of organic garlic production, including seed sources, organic fertility management, pest management and harvesting and storage. Marketing and economic considerations, including enterprise budgets for organic garlic production, are also addressed in this publication. Resources and references are included.

[PDF / 1.3M]

Posted: April 11, 2008

Ruminant Nutrition for Graziers

Cattle, sheep and goats have the ability to convert plant carbohydrates and proteins into available nutrients for human use, making otherwise unusable land productive. However, proper care of the land and its grazing animals requires a sound understanding of ruminant nutrition. This 2008 publication provides managers with tools and references to consider biological and climatological variables and make decisions that ensure the ecological and economic viability of a grass-based ruminant livestock operation.

[PDF / 909K]

Posted: March 5, 2008

Food Miles: Background and Marketing

The term ‘food miles’ refers to the distance food travels from the location where it is grown to thelocation where it is consumed, or in other words, the distance food travels from farm to plate. Recent studies have shown that this distance has been steadily increasing over the last fifty years. Studies estimate that processed food in the United States travels over 1,300 miles, and fresh produce travels over 1,500 miles, before being consumed. This new 2008 publication addresses how food miles are calculated, investigates how food miles affect producers and consumers, and evaluates methods for curbing the energy intensiveness of our food transportation system.

[PDF / 570K]

Posted: January 9, 2008

Tools for Managing Internal Parasites in Small Ruminants: Copper Wire Particles

This publication produced by NCAT/ATTRA and the Southern Consortium for Small Ruminant Parasite Control describes how copper oxide wire particles can be used to treat internal parasites in sheep and goats. The publication contains information on how to make boluses of copper wire oxide particles, and reports results of studies on the effectiveness of this treatment.

[PDF / 552K]

Posted: November 20, 2007

Tools for Managing Internal Parasites in Small Ruminants: Sericea Lespedeza

This publication produced by NCAT/ATTRA and the Southern Consortium for Small Ruminant Parasite Control discusses tools that can be used to manage internal parasites of sheep and goats that are becoming resistant to conventional wormers. One such tool is the forage sericea lespedeza, and the publication discusses how it can be used and presents the results of research on how it reduces parasites in small ruminants.

[PDF / 302K]


Biodiesel Use, Handling, and Fuel Quality

This publication addresses questions that farmers and ranchers may have about using biodiesel in diesel engines. Biodiesel can be substituted for petroleum-based diesel fuel in virtually any standard unmodified diesel engine. However, biodiesel has chemical properties that require somewhat different use and handling. While most biodiesel users experience few if any problems, consumers can take precautions to avoid potential problems associated with poor quality fuel.

[PDF / 552K]

Posted: November 19, 2007

The Organic Chronicles No. 1: Mysteries of Organic Farming Revealed

What is organic agriculture? This illustrated story briefly explains the ecological ideas behind this way of farming. It includes many sources of information about switching to organic methods.

[High-resolution PDF / 2.9M] [Low-resolution PDF / 1.3M]

Posted: October 2, 2007

Las Crónicas Orgánicas No. 1: No Tenga Pánico Vuélvase Orgánico

¿Qué es la agricultura orgánica? Esta historieta explica brevemente las ideas ecológicas que forman este modo de cultivar. Incluye muchas fuentes de información acerca de como cambiar a métodos orgánicos.

[PDF / 2.6M] [PDF / 1.2M]


Small-Scale Wind Energy on the Farm

Wind-generated electricity is attracting the interest of farmers, ranchers, and other landowners across the country. People find wind energy attractive for a variety of reasons, including its potential economic benefits and its lower impact on the environment when compared to coal and other electric power generation fuels. Wind-generated electricity can help farmers and ranchers reduce their energy costs, an important consideration in these days of continually increasing utility rates. This new 2007 publication will introduce you to small-scale wind energy to help you decide if wind energy is an economical option for your farm or ranch.

[PDF / 1.0M]

Posted: August 28, 2007

Biodiesel Production for On-Farm Use: A curriculum for agricultural producers

This workshop curriculum was prepared by Piedmont Biofuels for the National Center for Appropriate Technology, with funding and cooperation from the USDA Risk Management Agency. The curriculum covers the chemistry of biodiesel, discusses various feedstocks, and presents several case studies of small-scale biodiesel production.

[PDF / 736K]

Posted: July 31, 2007

Conserving Fuel on the Farm

In today’s climate of continually escalating fuel prices, farms must find ways to conserve fuel in order to reduce costs. This new 2007 publication identifies a number of measures that will reduce fuel consumption on farms, and concludes with a list of resources for more information.

[PDF / 1.0M]

Posted: July 28, 2007

Nuevos Mercados para Su Cosecha

Esta historieta ilustrada trata de un nuevo mercado para los agricultores de pequeña escala. Explica como pueden vender sus productos a las instituciones locales, tal como hospitales, colegios de comunidad, universidades, escuelas, asilos de ancianos, centros comunitarios para adultos mayores, guarderías infantiles, prisiones, y cárceles. Incluye información sobre organizaciones que ayudan a agricultores Latinos vender sus productos a instituciones.

[PDF / 1.02M]

Posted: July 27, 2007

El Manejo Sostenible de Suelos

Esta publicación cubre las propiedades básicas del suelo y los pasos en el manejo hacia la fabricación y mantenimiento de suelos sanos. La primera sección trata de los principios básicos sobre suelos vivos y cómo funcionan. En esta sección se encuentran respuestas al por qué son importantes los organismos del suelo y la materia orgánica. La segunda sección cubre el manejo y los pasos para mejorar la calidad del suelo en su predio. La tercera sección cubre historias de agricultores que han tenido gran éxito en mejorar sus tierras. La publicación concluye con una gran sección de recursos y otra información.

[PDF / 1.9M]

Posted: July 16, 2007

Locally Owned Renewable Energy Facilities

This new 2007 publication discusses locally owned renewable energy facilities—the benefits they provide to local economies and potential challenges of developing such a facility. It describes common business models, profiles several successful facilities, and provides resources for more information.

[PDF / 330K]


Fresas: Producción Orgánica

Esta publicación proporciona una vista general de métodos orgánicos de producción de la fresa. Cubre también el manejo integrado de plagas y las técnicas de control de malezas que pueden reducir el uso de los pesticidas en la producción de la fresa. Incluye técnicas para el control de malezas, insectos y enfermedades, la plasticultura, fertilidad, aspectos económicos y de venta, y listas de recursos adicionales, electrónicos e impresos.

[PDF / 1.4M]

Posted: July 12, 2007

Sistemas Avícolas Alternativos con Acceso a Pastura

La producción avícola alternativa esta creciendo debido a la demanda del consumidor para productos de especialidad de aves sin jaula y la producción de aves libres en pastura. Esta publicación discute las diferencias que hay entre sistemas de producción alternativos y convencionales. Sistemas de producción alternativos varían de acuerdo con el tamaño, pero en algunos países están normalizados por defi niciones específi cas para asistir en el mercadeo. Se presentan varios de los aspectos del sistema libres en pastura en los Estados Unidos y fuera del país. También se discuten los diseños de gallineros comunes. La integración de la producción avícola con la producción de cultivos en una granja diversa es una parte importante de la agricultura sostenible, y las aves pueden ser integradas en la producción de hortalizas con “tractores de gallinas” (“chicken tractor”) y con animales de pastura, como lo son las ovejas. La producción avícola orgánica es una alternativa que esta actualmente disfrutando de un mercado creciente. Las consideraciones que rodean la producción orgánica se hacen presentes. Tópicos de producción como lo son el acceso a patios o pastizales y el manejo de pastura, rotación de pastura, y control de depredadores también se tratan.

[PDF / 1.9M]

Posted: July 11, 2007

El Manejo de Gallineros para la Producción Alternativa

Mientras que el acceso al exterior es una parte importante del sistema libre en pastura y muchos otros sistemas de producción alternativa de avicultura, el medio ambiente interior y su manejo es critico. Las aves necesitan acceso a un medio ambiente apropiado en el interior para buena producción y bienestar. Idealmente las aves deberían escoger un medio; ya sea dentro o fuera. Es necesario dar atención a la ventilación, temperatura, luz, y condición del lecho. Adicionalmente buenas prácticas de manejo incluyen control de roedores con un mínimo uso de materiales tóxicos. La producción alternativa de avicultura es frecuentemente a una escala pequeña con casas portatiles. La producción tambien puede ser certificada orgánica. Practicas especiales pueden ser necesarias comparadas con la avicultura convencional. La avicultura alternativa es una manera de aumentar los ingresos del rancho, mientras se proporcionan productos especiales de la avicultura a los consumidores como parte de la agricultura sostenible.

[PDF / 599K]


Organic System Plan (OSP) Templates for Certifiers

This 2007 publication contains four templates that can be used by organic certifying agencies to develop and standardize their application materials. Applications for organic certification constitute the Organic System plan required by the National Standard. These templates are structured to elicit the information needed for organic system plans. This document replaces a 2002 ATTRA publication Creating an Organic Production and Handling System Plan: A Guide to Organic Plan Templates.

[PDF / 546K]

Posted: June 5, 2007

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