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  • Use our action center to contact your representatives and let them know how you feel about EFF issues!

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Help EFF By Using Referral Links

  • Sell Your Stuff on eBay with MissionFish
    • eBay Giving Works together with MissionFish has launched a new program to help nonprofits raise money from buying and selling on eBay. Sell your items on eBay and MissionFish will help you give a portion of the proceeds to EFF!

  • Buy Books From No Starch Press
    • Use this link to buy certain titles from No Starch Press, and they'll send EFF 30% of the purchase price!

  • Buy books, CDs, and DVDs through Giveline.com
    • Select EFF as your charity at registration or checkout, and a portion of the proceeds from your purchase will be donated to us!

  • Register with I Do Foundation
    • I Do Foundation enables betrothed couples to select charities to which family and friends can give donations in their honor. It's easy, convenient, free, and, if you select EFF as your charity, it supports our work to protect digital rights!

  • Search using Goodsearch
    • EFF will receive funds for every internet search you perform through Goodsearch!

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