Tuesday, May 16, 2006 [[Page D489]] Daily Digest Senate Chamber Action Routine Proceedings, pages S4571-S4646 Measures Introduced: Fifteen bills and two resolutions were introduced, as follows: S. 2803-2817, and S. Res. 480-481. Page S4617 Measures Passed: Relative to Death of Former Senator Jacob Chic Hecht: Senate agreed to S. Res. 481, relative to the death of Jacob Chic Hecht, former United States Senator for the State of Nevada. Page S4645 Arctic Research and Policy Amendments Act: Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs was discharged from further consideration of S. 879, to make improvements to the Arctic Research and Policy Act of 1984, and the bill was passed, after agreeing to the following amendment proposed thereto: Pages S4645-46 Frist (for Collins/Murkowski) Amendment No. 4028, to strike the sections regarding Commission awards and representation and reception activities. Page S4646 Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act: Senate continued consideration of S. 2611, to provide for comprehensive immigration reform, taking action on the following amendments proposed thereto: Pages S4575-S4610 Adopted: By 79 yeas to 16 nays (Vote No. 122), Salazar Amendment No. 3994, to prohibit implementation of title IV and title VI until the President determines that implementation of such titles will strengthen the national security of the United States. Pages S4577-85 Bingaman/Feinstein Amendment No. 3981, to reduce the number of H-2C nonimmigrants to 200,000 during any fiscal year. (By 18 yeas to 79 nays (Vote No. 124), Senate earlier failed to table the amendment.) Pages S4600-03 Kerry/Bingaman Amendment No. 3999, to improve the capacity of the United States Border Patrol to rapidly respond to threats to border security. Pages S4603-05 Rejected: By 40 yeas to 55 nays (Vote No. 121), Cornyn (for Isakson) Amendment No. 3961, to prohibit the granting of legal status, or adjustment of current status, to any individual who enters or entered the United States in violation of Federal law unless the border security measures authorized under Title I and section 233 are fully completed and fully operational. Page S4584 Dorgan Amendment No. 4017, to prohibit aliens who are currently outside the United States from participating in the H-2C guestworker visa program. (By 69 yeas to 28 nays (Vote No. 123), Senate tabled the amendment.) Pages S4585-S4600 Pending: Kyl Amendment No. 4027, to make certain aliens ineligible for adjustment to lawful permanent resident status or Deferred Mandatory Departure status. Pages S4605-10 A unanimous-consent agreement was reached providing that at 9:15 a.m. on Wednesday, May 17, 2006, Senate continue consideration of the bill. Page S4646 Appointments: Election Assistance Board of Advisors: The Chair, on behalf of the Majority Leader pursuant to the Public Law 107-252, Title II, Section 214, appointed the following individual to serve as a member of the Election Assistance Board of Advisors: Wesley R. Kliner, Jr., of Tennessee. Page S4645 Nominations Confirmed: Senate confirmed the following nomination: By unanimous vote of 93 yeas (Vote No. EX. 120), Milan D. Smith, Jr., of California, to be United States Circuit Judge for the Ninth Circuit. Pages S4573-75 Nominations Received: Senate received the following nominations: Francisco Augusto Besosa, of Puerto Rico, to be United States District Judge for the District of Puerto Rico. R. Hunter Biden, of Delaware, to be a Member of the Reform Board (Amtrak) for a term of five years. [[Page D490]] Donna R. McLean, of the District of Columbia, to be a Member of the Reform Board (Amtrak) for a term of five years. John H. Hill, of Indiana, to be Administrator of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. John Ray Correll, of Indiana, to be Director of the Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement. Page S4646 Messages From the House: Page S4616 Measures Placed on Calendar: Page S4616 Measures Read First Time: Page S4616 Executive Communications: Pages S4616-17 Additional Cosponsors: Pages S4617-19 Statements on Introduced Bills/Resolutions: Pages S4619-26 Additional Statements: Pages S4615-16 Amendments Submitted: Pages S4626-43 Authorities for Committees to Meet: Pages S4643-44 Privileges of the Floor: Page S4644 Record Votes: Five record votes were taken today. (Total--124) Pages S4575, S4584, S4585, S4599-S4600, S4603 Adjournment: Senate convened at 9:45 a.m., and as a further mark of respect to the memory of the late Jacob Chic Hecht, former United States Senator from the State of Nevada, in accordance with S. Res. 481, adjourned at 7:03 p.m., until 9:15 a.m., on Wednesday, May 17, 2006. (For Senate's program, see the remarks of the Majority Leader in today's Record on page S4646.) Committee Meetings (Committees not listed did not meet) NOMINATIONS: Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs: Committee concluded a hearing to examine the nominations of James Lambright, of Missouri, to be President of the Export-Import Bank of the United States, Armando J. Bucelo, Jr., and Todd S. Farha, both of Florida, each to be a Director of the Securities Investor Protection Corporation, Jon T. Rymer, of Tennessee, to be Inspector General, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, John W. Cox, of Texas, to be Chief Financial Officer, Department of Housing and Urban Development, and William Hardiman, of Michigan, to be a Member of the Board of Directors of the National Institute of Building Sciences, after each nominee testified and answered questions in their own behalf. HEDGE FUNDS Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs: Subcommittee on Securities and Investment concluded a hearing to examine the role of hedge funds in U.S. capital markets, after receiving testimony from Randal K. Quarles, Under Secretary of the Treasury for Domestic Finance; Susan Ferris Wyderko, Director, Office of Investor Education and Assistance, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission; Patrick M. Parkinson, Deputy Director, Division of Research and Statistics, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System; James A. Overdahl, Chief Economist, U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission; Richard T. McCormack, Center for Strategic and International Studies, and Adam Lerrick, American Enterprise Institute, both of Washington, D.C.; James Chanos, Coalition of Private Investment Companies, New York, New York; and Kurt N. Schacht, Chartered Financial Analyst Institute, Charlottesville, Virginia. TRANSPORTATION WORKER IDENTIFICATION CREDENTIAL PROGRAM Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation: Committee concluded a hearing to examine the Transportation Security Administration's Transportation Worker Identification Credential Program, after receiving testimony from Michael P. Jackson, Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security; George P. Cummings, City of Los Angeles Harbor Department, San Pedro, California; Lisa B. Himber, Maritime Exchange for the Delaware River and Bay, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; and Larry I. Willis, AFL-CIO, Washington, D.C. YUCCA MOUNTAIN REPOSITORY PROJECT Committee on Energy and Natural Resources: Committee concluded an oversight hearing to examine the status of the Yucca Mountain Repository Project within the Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management at the Department of Energy, focusing on the history of high-level nuclear waste disposal, after receiving testimony from B. John Garrick, Chairman, U.S. Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board; Paul M. Golan, Acting Director, Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management, Department of Energy; William Wehrum, Jr., Acting Assistant Administrator for Air and Radiation, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; and Robert R. Loux, Nevada Agency for Nuclear Projects, Carson City. LAND BILLS Committee on Energy and Natural Resources: Subcommittee on National Parks concluded a hearing to examine S. 1686, to amend the Constitution Heritage Act of 1988 to provide for the operation of the [[Page D491]] National Constitution Center, S. 2417 and H.R. 4192, bills to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to designate the President William Jefferson Clinton Birthplace home in Hope, Arkansas, as a National Historic Site and unit of the National Park System, S. 2419 and H.R. 4882, bills to ensure the proper remembrance of Vietnam veterans and the Vietnam War by providing a deadline for the designation of a visitor center for the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, S. 2568, to amend the National Trails System Act to designate the Captain John Smith Chesapeake National Historic Trail, S. 2627, to amend the Act of August 21, 1935, to extend the authorization for the National Park System Advisory Board, and S. Res. 468, supporting the continued administration of Channel Islands National Park, including Santa Rosa Island, in accordance with the laws (including regulations) and policies of the National Park Service, after receiving testimony from Senators Warner, Sarbanes, Boxer, and Pryor; Stephen P. Martin, Deputy Director, National Park Service, Department of the Interior; Patricia Gallagher, Executive Director, National Capital Planning Commission; Patrick F. Noonan, Conservation Fund, Arlington, Virginia; Harry G. Robinson III, TRG Consulting Studio, Washington, D.C.; and Rimantas Saikus, Cleveland, Ohio. NOMINATION Committee on Finance: Committee concluded a hearing to examine the nomination of Susan C. Schwab, of Maryland, to be United States Trade Representative, with the rank of Ambassador, after the nominee testified and answered questions in her own behalf. OIL DEPENDENCE Committee on Foreign Relations: Committee concluded a hearing to examine strategies for reducing dependence on oil, focusing on S. 2435, to increase cooperation on energy issues between the United States Government and foreign governments and entities in order to secure the strategic and economic interests of the United States, after receiving testimony from Vinod Khosla, Khosla Ventures, Menlo Park, California; and Jason S. Grumet, National Commission on Energy Policy, Washington, D.C. RETIREMENT COMMUNITIES Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions: Subcommittee on Retirement Security and Aging concluded a hearing to examine naturally occurring retirement communities and what impact they may have on the ability to create livable community options for all Americans, after receiving testimony from Elinor Ginzler, AARP, Washington, D.C.; Fredda Vladeck, United Hospital Fund, New York, New York; Joyce Garver Keller, Ohio Jewish Communities, Columbus; Ann Sutton Burke, Jewish Family Service, Cincinnati, Ohio; Julia Pierson, Senior Home Services Comprehensive Housing Assistance, Inc., Baltimore, Maryland; and Beth K. Shapiro, Jewish Federation of Greater Washington, Rockville, Maryland. VOTING RIGHTS ACT Committee on the Judiciary: Committee held a hearing to examine the continuing need for Section 5 pre-clearance requirements of the Voting Rights Act, including trends in minority participation in the seven states originally covered by the Act, renewal of the Act, and the history and prospects for minority voter participation in the states originally covered by Section 5, receiving testimony from Anita S. Earls, University of North Carolina Center for Civil Rights, Chapel Hill; Pamela S. Karlan, Stanford Law School, Stanford, California; Keith Gaddie, University of Oklahoma, Norman; Theodore S. Arrington, University of North Carolina, Charlotte; and Richard H. Pildes, New York University School of Law, New York, New York. Hearing will continue on tomorrow. NOMINATION Select Committee on Intelligence: Committee concluded a hearing to examine the nomination of Kenneth L. Wainstein, of Virginia, to be Assistant Attorney General for National Security, Department of Justice, after the nominee, who was introduced by Senator Warner, testified and answered questions in his own behalf. [[Page D492]] House of Representatives Chamber Action Public Bills and Resolutions Introduced: public bills, H.R. 5387-5398 were introduced. Pages H2640-41 Additional Cosponsors: Page H2641 Reports Filed: Reports were filed today as follows: Supplemental report on H.R. 5384, making appropriations for Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2007 (H. Rept. 109-463, Pt. 2); H. Res. 815, waiving a requirement of clause 6(a) of rule XIII with respect to consideration of certain resolutions reported from the Committee on Rules (H. Rept. 109-466); H. Res. 816, providing for consideration of H.R. 4200 to improve the ability of the Secretary of Agriculture and the Secretary of the Interior to promptly implement recovery treatments in response to catastrophic events affecting Federal lands under their jurisdiction, including the removal of dead and damaged trees and the implementation of reforestation treatments, to support the recovery of non-Federal lands damaged by catastrophic events, to revitalize Forest Service experimental forests, and for other purposes (H. Rept. 109-467); and Supplemental report on H.R. 5385, making appropriations for the military quality of life functions of the Department of Defense, military construction, the Department of Veterans Affairs, and related agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2007 (H. Rept. 109- 464, Pt. 2). Page H2640 Speaker: Read a letter from the Speaker wherein he appointed Representative Boustany to act as Speaker pro tempore for today. Page H2599 Recess: The House recessed at 12:41 p.m. and reconvened at 2 p.m. Page H2600 Suspensions: The House agreed to suspend the rules and pass the following measures: Right-to-Ride Livestock on Federal Lands Act of 2005: H.R. 586, to preserve the use and access of pack and saddle stock animals on public lands, including wilderness areas, national monuments, and other specifically designated areas, administered by the National Park Service, the Bureau of Land Management, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, or the Forest Service where there is a historical tradition of such use; Pages H2601-03 Allowing the Assiniboine and Sioux Tribes of the Fort Peck Indian Reservation to enter into a lease or other temporary conveyance of water rights recognized under the Fort Peck-Montana Compact for the purpose of meeting the water needs of the Dry Prairie Rural Water Association, Incorporated: H.R. 2978, to allow the Assiniboine and Sioux Tribes of the Fort Peck Indian Reservation to enter into a lease or other temporary conveyance of water rights recognized under the Fort Peck-Montana Compact for the purpose of meeting the water needs of the Dry Prairie Rural Water Association, Incorporated; Page H2603 Coastal Barrier Resources Reauthorization Act of 2005: S. 1869, to reauthorize the Coastal Barrier Resources Act--clearing the measure for the President; Pages H2603-05 Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Improvement Act of 2006: H.R. 518, amended, to require the Secretary of the Interior to refine the Department of the Interior program for providing assistance for the conservation of neotropical migratory birds; Pages H2605-06 James Campbell National Wildlife Refuge Expansion Act of 2005: S. 1165, to provide for the expansion of the James Campbell National Wildlife Refuge, Honolulu County, Hawaii--clearing the measure for the President; Pages H2606-07 Redesignating the Mason Neck National Wildlife Refuge in Virginia as the Elizabeth Hartwell Mason Neck National Wildlife Refuge: H.R. 3682, to redesignate the Mason Neck National Wildlife Refuge in Virginia as the Elizabeth Hartwell Mason Neck National Wildlife Refuge; Pages H2607-08 Supporting the goals and ideals of Peace Officers Memorial Day: H. Res. 788, to support the goals and ideals of Peace Officers Memorial Day; Pages H2608-10 Recognizing the cultural and educational contributions of American Ballet Theatre throughout its 65 years of service as ``America's National Ballet Company'': H. Res. 751, to recognize the cultural and educational contributions of American Ballet Theatre throughout its 65 years of service as ``America's National Ballet Company''; and Pages H2610-11 Condemning the murder of American journalist Paul Klebnikov on July 9, 2004, in Moscow and the murders of other members of the media in the Russian Federation: H. Res. 499, amended, to condemn the murder of American journalist Paul Klebnikov on July 9, 2004, in Moscow and the [[Page D493]] murders of other members of the media in the Russian Federation. Pages H2616-17 Suspensions--Proceedings Postponed: The House completed debate on the following measures under suspension of the rules. Further consideration of the measures will resume tomorrow, May 17th. Calling on the Government of the United Kingdom to immediately establish a full, independent, public judicial inquiry into the murder of Northern Ireland defense attorney Pat Finucane, as recommended by international Judge Peter Cory as part of the Weston Park agreement and a way forward for the Northern Ireland Peace Process: H. Res. 740, to call on the Government of the United Kingdom to immediately establish a full, independent, public judicial inquiry into the murder of Northern Ireland defense attorney Pat Finucane, as recommended by international Judge Peter Cory as part of the Weston Park agreement and a way forward for the Northern Ireland Peace Process; and Pages H2612-15 Condemning in the strongest terms the terrorist attacks in Dahab and Northern Sinai, Egypt, on April 24 and 26, 2006: H. Res. 795, to condemn in the strongest terms the terrorist attacks in Dahab and Northern Sinai, Egypt, on April 24 and 26, 2006. Pages H2615-16 Recess: The House recessed at 6:46 p.m. and reconvened at 6:56 p.m. Page H2639 Amendments: Amendments ordered printed pursuant to the rule appear on pages H2641-42. Quorum Calls--Votes: There were no Yea-and-Nay votes, and there were no Recorded votes. There were no quorum calls. Adjournment: The House met at 12:30 p.m. and adjourned at 6:58 p.m. Committee Meetings ENERGY AS A WEAPON: U.S. POLICY IMPLICATIONS Committee on Government Reform, Subcommittee on Energy and Resources and the Subcommittee on National Security, Emerging Threats and International Relations held a joint hearing entitled ``Energy as a Weapon: Implications for U.S. Policy.'' Testimony was heard from Karen Harbert, Assistant Secretary, Policy and International Affairs, Department of Energy; Paul Simons, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Energy, Sanctions, and Commodity Policy, Department of State; and public witnesses. JUDGES--PAY AND BENEFITS Committee on Government Reform: Subcommittee on Federal Workforce and Agency Organization held a hearing entitled ``Fair and Balanced? The Status of Pay and Benefits for Non-Article III Judges.'' Testimony was heard from Nancy Kichak, Associate Director, Division for Strategic Human Resources Policy, OPM; William Cowan, Deputy Chief Administrative Law Judge, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Department of Energy; Ronald G. Bernoski, Administrative Law Judge, SSA; and public witnesses. PANDEMIC INFLUENZA STRATEGY Committee on Homeland Security: Held a hearing entitled ``Are We Ready?: Implementing the National Strategy for Pandemic Influenza.'' Testimony was heard from Jeffrey W. Runge, M.D., Acting Under Secretary, Science and Technology and Chief Medical Officer, Department of Homeland Security; John Agwonobi, M.D., Assistant Secretary, Health, Department of Health and Human Services; John Clifford, D.V.D., Deputy Administrator, Veterinary Services, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, USDA; and Peter F. Verga, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Homeland Defense, Department of Defense. MEDICAL OUTREACH AND U.S. DIPLOMACY Committee on International Relations: Subcommittee on Africa, Global Human Rights and International Relations held a hearing on Medical Outreach: An Instrument of U.S. Diplomacy. Testimony was heard from Cheryl Austein-Casnoff, Associate Administrator, Office of Health Information Technology, Health Resources and Services Administration, Department of Health and Human Services; the following officials of the Department of State. Ralph Braibanti, Director, Office of Space and Advanced Technology, Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs, and Richard Greene, Director, Office of Health, Infectious Diseases and Nutrition Bureau for Global Health, U.S. Agency for International Development; and public witnesses. OVERSIGHT--COPYRIGHT ACT Committee on the Judiciary: Subcommittee on Courts, the Internet, and Intellectual Property, oversight hearing on Section 115 Reform Act (SIRA) of 2006. Testimony was heard from public witnesses. AGRICULTURE, RURAL, DEVELOPMENT, FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION, AND RELATED AGENCIES APPROPRIATIONS ACT, 2007 Committee on Rules: Testimony heard; action deferred. [[Page D494]] BUDGET RESOLUTION, FY 2007 Committee on Rules: Granted, by voice vote, a rule waiving clause 6(a) of rule XIII (requiring a two-thirds vote to consider a rule on the same day it is reported from the Rules Committee) against certain resolutions reported from the Rules Committee. The rule applies the waiver to any resolution reported on the legislative day of May 17, 2006, providing for consideration of the concurrent resolution (H. Con. Res. 376) establishing the congressional budget for the United States Government for fiscal year 2007 and setting forth appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal years 2008 through 2011, or addressing budget enforcement or priorities. FOREST EMERGENCY RECOVERY AND RESEARCH ACT Committee on Rules: Granted, by voice vote, a structured rule providing one hour of general debate on H.R. 4200, Forest Emergency Recovery and Research Act, with 20 minutes equally divided and controlled by the chairman and ranking minority member of the Committee on Resources, 20 minutes equally divided and controlled by the chairman and ranking minority chairman and ranking minority member of the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure. The rule waives all points of order against consideration of the bill. The rule provides that in lieu of the amendment recommended by the Committee on Resources now printed in the bill, the amendment in the nature of a substitute consisting of the text of the amendment in the nature of a substitute printed in the Congressional Record and numbered 1 pursuant to clause 8 of rule XVIII, shall be considered as an original bill for the purpose of amendment under the five-minute rule and shall be considered as read. The rule waives all points of order against that amendment in the nature of a substitute printed in the Congressional Record. The rule makes in order only those amendments printed in the Rules Committee report accompanying the resolution. The rule provides that the amendments printed in the report accompanying the resolution may be offered only in the order printed in the report, may be offered only by a Member designated in the report, shall be considered as read, shall be debatable for the time specified in the report equally divided and controlled by the proponent and an opponent, shall not be subject to amendment, and shall not be subject to a demand for division of the question in the House or in the Committee of the Whole. The rule waives all points of order against the amendments printed in the report. Finally, the rule provides one motion to recommit with or without instructions. COMMITTEE MEETINGS FOR WEDNESDAY, MAY 17, 2006 (Committee meetings are open unless otherwise indicated) Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry: to hold hearings to examine the United States Department of Agriculture Rural Utilities Service Broadband Program, 10:30 a.m., SR-328A. Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Defense, to hold hearings to examine proposed budget estimates for fiscal year 2007 for the Department of Defense, 10 a.m., SD-192. Committee on Armed Services: to hold hearings to examine the roles and missions of the National Guard in support of the Bureau of Customs and Border Protection, 4 p.m., SH-216. Committee on Environment and Public Works: to hold hearings to examine the nominations of Dale Klein, of Texas, to be Member of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and Molly A. O'Neill, of Virginia, to be an Assistant Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, 9:30 a.m., SD-628. Committee on Finance: to hold hearings to examine physician-owned specialty hospitals, 10 a.m., SD-215. Committee on Foreign Relations: to hold hearings to examine Iran's political/nuclear ambitions and U.S. policy options, 9:30 a.m., SD- 419. Full Committee, to hold hearings to examine the nominations of Michael D. Kirby, of Virginia, to be Ambassador to the Republic of Moldova, John A. Cloud, Jr., of Virginia, to be Ambassador to the Republic of Lithuania, April H. Foley, of New York, to be Ambassador to the Republic of Hungary, Tracey Ann Jacobson, of the District of Columbia, to be Ambassador to the Republic of Tajikistan, Michael Wood, of the District of Columbia, to be Ambassador to Sweden, and Robert Anthony Bradtke, of Maryland, to be Ambassador to the Republic of Croatia, 2:30 p.m., SD-419. Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions: business meeting to consider the proposed Ryan White Modernization Act of 2006, proposed Mine Safety and Health Act of 2006, proposed Older Americans Act Amendments of 2006, S. 860, to amend the National Assessment of Educational Progress Authorization Act to require State academic assessments of student achievement in United States history and civics, and the Nominations of Jerry Gayle Bridges, of Virginia, to be Chief Financial Officer, and Vince J. Juaristi, of Virginia, to be a Member of the Board of Directors, both of the Corporation for National and Community Service, Harry R. Hoglander, of Massachusetts, and Peter W. Tredick, of California, each to be a Member of the National Mediation Board, J. C. A. Stagg, of Virginia, to be a Member of the Board of Trustees of the James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation, Kent D. Talbert, of Virginia, to be General Counsel, Department of Education, and Horace A. Thompson, of Mississippi, to be a Member of the Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission, 10 a.m., SD-430. [[Page D495]] Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs: to hold hearings to examine the nomination of Robert J. Portman, of Ohio, to be Director of the Office of Management and Budget, 10 a.m., SD-342. Subcommittee on Oversight of Government Management, the Federal Workforce, and the District of Columbia, to resume hearings to examine the Federal government's security clearance process, focusing on the progress of the Office of Personnel Management in implementing a plan to address the longstanding backlog of security clearance investigations, including the next steps by the Office of Management and Budget, and the recent halt by the Defense Security Service in processing government contractor security clearances, 2:30 p.m., SD-342. Committee on Indian Affairs: to hold an oversight hearing to examine Indian youth suicide, 9:30 a.m., SR-485. Committee on the Judiciary: to hold hearings to examine understanding the benefits and cost of Section 5 pre-clearance requirements of the Voting Rights Act, 9 a.m., SD-226. Select Committee on Intelligence: to receive a closed briefing regarding intelligence matters, 2 p.m., SH-219. House Committee on Appropriations, to consider the following appropriations for Fiscal Year 2007: Homeland Security; and Energy and Water Development, and Related Agencies, 9 a.m., 2359 Rayburn. Committee on Education and the Workforce, to mark up H.R. 5293, Senior Independence Act of 2006, 10:30 a.m., 2175 Rayburn. Committee on Energy and Commerce, Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade, and Consumer Protection, hearing on H.R. 2048, Motor Vehicle Owners' Right to Repair Act of 2005, 10 a.m., 2123 Rayburn. Subcommittee on Health, hearing on Planning for Long-Term Care, 2 p.m., 2123 Rayburn. Committee on Financial Services, hearing on the State of the International Financial System, 10 a.m., 2128 Rayburn. Subcommittee on Domestic and International Policy, Trade, and Technology, hearing on H.R. 5337, Reform of National Security Reviews of Foreign Direct Investments Act, 2 p.m., 2128 Rayburn. Committee on Government Reform, hearing entitled ``Low Clearance'' Why Did DOD Suddenly Stop Processing Private Sector Security Clearances?'' 1 p.m., 2154 Rayburn. Subcommittee on Criminal Justice, Drug Policy, and Human Resources, hearing entitled ``RU-486--Demonstrating a Low Standard for Women's Health?'' 2 p.m., 2203 Rayburn. Committee on Homeland Security, to mark up the following measures: H.R. 5451, National Emergency Management Reform and Enhancement Act of 2006; and H. Res. 809, Directing the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security to transmit to the House of Representatives not later than 14 days after the date of the adoption of this resolution documents in the Secretary's possession relating to any existing or previous agreement between the Department of Homeland Security and Shirlington Limousine and Transportation, Incorporated, of Arlington, Virginia, 10 a.m., 311 Cannon. Committee on International Relations, Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific, hearing on the United States and South Asia: An Expanding Agenda, 1:30 p.m., 2172 Rayburn. Subcommittee on the Middle East and Central Asia, hearing to Review U.S. Assistance Programs to Egypt, 2 p.m., 2200 Rayburn. Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on Commercial and Administrative Law, oversight hearing on Privacy in the Hands of the Government: The Privacy Officer for the Department of Homeland Security and the Privacy Officer for the Department of Justice; followed by markup of H.R. 2840, Federal Agency Protection of Privacy Act of 2005, 2 p.m., 2141 Rayburn. Committee on Resources, to mark up H.R. 5018, American Fisheries Management and Marine Life Enhancement Act, 10 a.m., 1324 Longworth. Committee on Rules, to consider the following: H.R. 5386, making appropriations for the Department of the Interior, environment, and related agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2007; and H.R. 5385, making appropriations for the military quality of life functions of the Department of Defense, military construction, the Department of Veterans Affairs, and related agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2007, 4 p.m., H-313 Capitol. Committee on Science, Subcommittee on Energy, hearing on Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles: Legislation to Promote Research and Development, 10 a.m., 2318 Rayburn. Committee on Small Business, to mark up H.R. 5352, Small Business Reauthorization Act of 2006, 11:30 a.m., 2360 Rayburn. Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, to mark up the following: additional lease resolutions from the GSA FY 2007 Capital Investment and Leasing Program; H.R. 5013, Disaster Recovery Personal Protection Act of 2006; H.R. 5187, To amend the John F. Kennedy Center Act to authorize additional appropriations for the John F. Kennedy for the Performing Arts for fiscal year 2007; and H.R. 5316, RESPOND Act of 2006, 11 a.m., 2167 Rayburn. Joint Meetings Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe: to hold hearings to examine the role of the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights relating to advancing the human dimension in the OSCE, focusing on the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights and its role in monitoring elections in OSCE countries, 2 p.m., SD- 226. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD (USPS 087ÿ09390). The Periodicals postage is paid at Washington, D.C. The public proceedings of each House of Congress, as reported by the Official Reporters thereof, are printed pursuant to directions of the Joint Committee on Printing as authorized by appropriate provisions of Title 44, United States Code, and published for each day that one or both Houses are in session, excepting very infrequent instances when two or more unusually small consecutive issues are printed one time. 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Following each session of Congress, the daily Congressional Record is revised, printed, permanently bound and sold by the Superintendent of Documents in individual parts or by sets. With the exception of copyrighted articles, there are no restrictions on the republication of material from the Congressional Record. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the Superintendent of Documents, Congressional Record, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402, Along with the entire mailing label from the last issue received. [[Page D496]] _______________________________________________________________________ Next Meeting of the SENATE 9:15 a.m., Wednesday, May 17 Senate Chamber Program for Wednesday: Senate will continue consideration of S. 2611, Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act. Next Meeting of the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 10 a.m., Wednesday, May 17 House Chamber Program for Wednesday: Consideration of H.R. 4200--Forest Emergency Recovery and Research Act (Subject to a Rule); and H.R. 5384-- Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2007 (Subject to a Rule). _______________________________________________________________________ Extensions of Remarks, as inserted in this issue HOUSE Blumenauer, Earl, Ore., E843 Brown-Waite, Ginny, Fla., E843 Butterfield, G.K., N.C., E839 DeLauro, Rosa L., Conn., E835, E839 Frank, Barney, Mass., E839 Gibbons, Jim, Nev., E844 Gordon, Bart, Tenn., E838 Lofgren, Zoe, Calif., E841 McCollum, Betty, Minn., E835, E843, E845 Millender-McDonald, Juanita, Calif., E843 Miller, George, Calif., E837, E840 Oberstar, James L., Minn., E844 Radanovich, George, Calif., E836 Rahall, Nick J., II, W.Va., E844 Ruppersberger, C.A. Dutch, Md., E842 Saxton, Jim, N.J., E840 Serrano, Jose E., N.Y., E836 Stark, Fortney Pete, Calif., E842 Stearns, Cliff, Fla., E836 Tiberi, Patrick J., Ohio, E841 Udall, Mark, Colo., E835, E838, E842 Visclosky, Peter J., Ind., E835 Blumenauer, Earl, Ore., E843 Brown-Waite, Ginny, Fla., E843 Butterfield, G.K., N.C., E839 DeLauro, Rosa L., Conn., E835, E839 Frank, Barney, Mass., E839 Gibbons, Jim, Nev., E844 Gordon, Bart, Tenn., E838 Lofgren, Zoe, Calif., E841 McCollum, Betty, Minn., E835, E843, E845 Millender-McDonald, Juanita, Calif., E843 Miller, George, Calif., E837, E840 Oberstar, James L., Minn., E844 Radanovich, George, Calif., E836 Rahall, Nick J., II, W.Va., E844 Ruppersberger, C.A. Dutch, Md., E842 Saxton, Jim, N.J., E840 Serrano, Jose E., N.Y., E836 Stark, Fortney Pete, Calif., E842 Stearns, Cliff, Fla., E836 Tiberi, Patrick J., Ohio, E841 Udall, Mark, Colo., E835, E838, E842 Visclosky, Peter J., Ind., E835