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Are you a seasoned 'veteran' vegetable gardener, already leafing through the seed catalogs, planning your 2009 garden? Or are you one of the growing number of people looking into planting and growing vegetables for the first time?

Either way: January, February and March are good garden planning months.

Some of Hot Pepper Wax's favorite sources for garden industry research show that more people than ever are looking at planting their own vegetable gardens this year. (Some reports show a 40% jump in vegetable seed and plant sales already!) The economy's in the tank, vacations are NOT happening for most people, and gardening is a great way to save money - and avoid some of the recent concerns with food issues. (Remember the problems with tomatoes & before that, spinach?)

Some tips to consider if you want to try your hand at gardening:

1. When you're leafing through seed and plant catalongs, pay attention to what will grow well in YOUR geographic area. (Face it: you're not going to have an orange grove in Northern Minnesota!)

2. If you're totally new to gardening, contact your local county extension office for guidelines on site and soil preparation, garden size suggestions, sun, shade, and water needs, among other things. They are a great knowledgeable group of people, and many have specially trained Master Gardener volunteers available to help you.

3. Be prepared to protect your crops. Understand that lots and lots of garden pests - four-legged and otherwise - will want to "share" your vegetables. Or take them all, bite by bite. You can put up fencing to guard against some garden predators, but fencing is only part of the solution to this problem.

4. Protect your plants SAFELY - for both your and the environment's sake. And here's where HOT PEPPER WAX comes to the rescue.

HOT PEPPER WAX is a "green" product - safe enough to spray on your veggies and harvest and eat the same day. Even more, in the words of customer Jackie M., "Hot Pepper Wax actually WORKS!" The soft-bodied insects that plague vegetables...the rabbits and squirrels that somehow manage to devour your plants before you can even try them... Follow the directions for use and Hot Pepper Wax will keep those pests away.

PLUS - Hot Pepper Wax is versatile and COST-EFFECTIVE! Our insect repellent also repels animals, and vice-versa. Our wax base helps HPW stay on plants up to two weeks, even after normal rainfall. And HPW provides moisture loss protection, helping your new transplants thrive. (And, a long-term benefit: insects cannot build resistance to Hot Pepper Wax, meaning you can safely use Hot Pepper Wax throughout the growing season!)

Check the rest of our website for more information or call us at
800-627-6840. We're always glad to answer your questions!

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Finally, an environmentally responsible Insect and Animal Repellent for Fruits, Vegetables and Ornamental Plants! The conscientious gardener will appreciate that Hot Pepper Wax is completely biodegradable and contains no harmful chemicals.

Hot Pepper Wax controls and repels insects on fruits & vegetables right through harvest day. It protects fruits, vegetables, flowers, trees & shrubs, even citrus, for up to 2 weeks or longer. Hot Pepper Wax also controls and destroys insects and insect larvae: aphids, spider mites, whiteflies, cabbage loopers, and beet armyworms.

Hot Pepper Wax is a patented combination of hot Cayenne Pepper, ingredients you'd find in your kitchen, and a highly refined paraffin wax that makes the pepper stay put...and provides a healthy measure of moisture loss protection.

If you would like to get in touch with us, just click on the Contact Us button or call 1-800-627-6840

We are located at 305 Third Street, Greenville, Pennsylvania 16125 .

Thanks for stopping by, we hope you enjoy your visit.