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As the largest market for U.S. producers, American consumers will render the ultimate verdict on the future of agricultural biotechnology in the United States. So far, unlike their European and Japanese counterparts, American consumers have not been vocal about their opinions on biotech foods, though they have been eating them in the form of biotech corn and soy products. ERS researchers investigate the determinants of consumer attitudes toward biotechnology as well as the role these attitudes play in shaping market outcomes.


Consumers and the Future of Biotech Foods in the United States—U.S. farmers and chemical companies seem to be sold on biotechnology: farmers are rapidly adopting biotech crops, and agricultural biotech firms are investing large sums of money in research and development. But what about American consumers?

Current Issues in Economics of Food Markets—These reports synthesize economic analyses of the complex relationships in food markets of interest to officials responsible for public policy, industry decisionmakers, and researchers.

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