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Marketing services and opportunities

Direct mail service

Through National Ground Water Association's direct mail service, the Ground Water Monitoring & Remediation® and the Water Well Journal® subscription lists are available to direct mail service users.


All or any part of each list may be used. Simply let us know the segment of the market to which you wish your material to be sent. Many of our advertisers have found that direct mail campaigns are the perfect adjunct to their marketing plans. A display advertisement, followed up with a direct mail piece, has proven again and again to be an effective marketing strategy.


Please note: In order to be eligible for this service, you must be a current, contracted advertiser of WWJ or GWMR. Only those firms purchasing the equivalent of six 1/4-page, black-and-white display ads in WWJ, or four 1/3-page black-and-white display ads in GWMR, can utilize the direct mail service.


Pricing is based upon the cost of the list, the services we provide, and the cost of postage. The closer to mail-ready your piece is, the lower our charge.

Advertiser index

An advertiser index and advertiser product directory are provided free of charge to help make your advertisement easy to locate. While every attempt is made to make the index accurate, the publisher assumes no responsibility for omissions or errors. The publisher reserves the right to omit index if space constraints require such action.

Bonus distribution

Issues of Water Well Journal, Ground Water Monitoring & Remediation, and Ground Water® are distributed at national and international conventions, trade shows, and exhibitions. Call for full list.

Buyers guides

Ground Water Monitoring & Remediation's annual buyers guide is one of the most popular features of GWMR's summer issue, and all those who advertise in the then receive five free product listings in it.


The Water Well Journal annual buyers guide, published each year in March, is one of our most popular issues and contains a special bonus for WWJ advertisers. All those who advertise in WWJ during the year receive a free listing in the following year's buyers guide.

Reader inquiry forms

Reports are generated weekly to help provide you with a sales management tool. Basic information includes respondent name, company, address, and profile for lead follow-up. Reader service card numbers are assigned as a free service, and the publisher accepts no responsibility for inadvertent omissions. All display advertisements are assigned a reader service number unless the publisher is otherwise advised. Multiple numbers cannot be assigned.

Products and literature

Water Well Journal offers a free test market for new products to our advertisers, as well as others. All releases to be considered for WWJ must reach the publisher by the 15th of two months preceding publication date (i.e., May 15 for July issue). All product/literature releases selected are assigned a reader service card number so responses can be monitored.

Equipment news

Ground Water Monitoring & Remediation offers a free test market for new products to our advertisers, as well as others. All releases to be considered for the equipment news section must reach the publisher by the 1st of two months preceding publication date (i.e., August 1 for the fall issue). All releases selected for equipment news are assigned a reader service card number so that responses can be monitored.

Marketing opportunities available...

Exhibiting at the annual NGWA Ground Water Expo, the industry's premier event, is a must for your strategic marketing plan.


Don't miss out on this opportunity to:

  • Meet face-to-face with ground water contractors, suppliers, drillers, and consultants
  • Talk with serious shoppers and buyers
  • Get the word out about your products and services
  • Increase your U.S. and international leads.  

Sponsor NGWA Expos, conferences, and events...

Inquire about affordable sponsorship opportunities available at the annual NGWA Ground Water Expo! It's a fun way to supplement your marketing campaign. NGWA also holds numerous well-regarded regional and emerging issues conferences throughout the year, all offering sponsorship opportunities.


For more information about advertising and sponsorship opportunities with NGWA, contact Vickie Wiles, NGWA's advertising and exhibit sales manager, at vwiles@ngwa.org or by calling 800 551.7379 (614 898.7791), ext. 593.